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タイトル: 出土埴輪の原位置論的分析と破壊力学的検討から考える古墳の破壊
その他のタイトル: Destruction of a burial mound suggested from the provenancial analysis and fracture mechanical examination of its deposited haniwa figures
著者: 冨井, 眞  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0229-8942 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: TOMII, Makoto
キーワード: 原位置論
Provenancial analysis
fracture mechanism
burial mound
発行日: 30-Mar-2016
出版者: 考古学研究会
誌名: 考古学研究
巻: 62
号: 4
開始ページ: 49
終了ページ: 70
抄録: 京都盆地東北部に所在する古墳時代中期の吉田二本松古墳群の8号墳の同溝から出土した埴輪に対し, 破片化の原因を を解明するため, 原位置論的な分析と破壊力学的なな検討をした。まず, 埴輸の分布域に基づき, 埴輪が破片化する以前の樹立景観を推定復元した。次に高残存率の6個体に対し破片の原位置情報と元の完形状態に状態における部位とを対照するとともに, 割れを生んだ衝撃の強さや伝達方向を持合破片の接着線から検討し, 破損と埋没の過程を復元的に論じた。その結果, この古墳の墳丘と埴輪は人為的に破壊されたことを導き出した。そして, 遺溝の切り合い関係と, 埴輪の器面の遺存状態から, その破壊が古墳時代に遡りえる可能性を指摘した。
Aiming at providing a way to understand the process and reason for breakage of archaeological remains prior to excavation, this paper examines, as a case study, how and why haniwa figures of the middle Kofun period (late 5th century AD) which were recently excavated from ditches at the No. 8 burial of the Y oshida-Nihonmatsu burial cluster in the northeast part of the Kyoto basin, were fragmented. The basic method is composed of both provenancial, or in situ, analysis, and fracture mechanism study. At first, based on the distribution of the fragments of haniwa figures, the original landscape of the burial with haniwa decoration is reconstructed. Then, each of the six, best preserved cylindrical and house-shaped haniwa figures is investigated in order to reconstruct the processes of both the breakage and deposition of these figures by collating the provenancial information of its largest cluster of sherds with their original position within the figure before breakage. And subsequently by reading the fracture lines to speculate the extent and/ or strength of loading to the body of the figure. This inductive approach can demonstrate that both the burial mound and its decorating haniwa figures were intentionally destroyed, at least in some parts. by people of the past Additionally, this destruction can be dated back to the Kofun period (6-7th century) as the fill of the ditch of other burials in the same cluster’ is overlapped by a posthole of a Nara period structure, and because the degree of weathering of the surface of these haniwa figures is far lower than that of many others recovered from burials that were destroyed during the Nara period in other areas
著作権等: © 考古学研究会
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/226159


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