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タイトル: <サーヴェイ論文>道徳的個別主義を巡る論争 -近年の動向-
著者: 蝶名林, 亮  KAKEN_name
キーワード: 道徳的個別主義(moral particularism)
一般主義(moral generalism)
理由の全体論(holism of reasons)
Jonathan Dancy
発行日: 16-Feb-2015
出版者: 応用哲学会
誌名: Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
巻: 6
開始ページ: 1001
終了ページ: 1026
抄録: The position called ‘moral particularism’ was suggested by several writers in 80s and various issues concerning the position have been lively discussed in the literature. In this survey paper, I shall attempt to explicate the main argument for the position and some of other relevant particularist claims. I shall also discuss some implications of the position. The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, I shall present so called ‘the argument from holism’ which is the main argument for particularism. In the latter part of this section, I shall present some controversies over the argument from holism, such as whether the holism of reasons for action is true and whether the holism entails particularism. In Section 3, I shall present some of other controversies concerning particularism which are not on the argument from holism. These controversies are on various issues concerning philosophy of language, moral psychology, normative ethics and moral epistemology which follow from particularism. In Section 4, I shall discuss some implications of particularism. In the end of the paper, I shall indicate how further research on particularism and relevant discussions may flourish in the future. Given many fruitful research projects which may be pursued on the basis of the existing literature on particularism, I shall conclude that the particularism debate are going to remain as one of the central issues in moral philosophy.
DOI: 10.14989/226261
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/226261
関連リンク: https://jacap.org/journal/
出現コレクション:vol. 6


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