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タイトル: Marginal deformations of 3d supersymmetric U(N) model and broken higher spin symmetry
著者: Hikida, Yasuaki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7770-1815 (unconfirmed)
Wada, Taiki
著者名の別形: 疋田, 泰章
キーワード: AdS-CFT Correspondence
Conformal Field Theory
Higher Spin Gravity
発行日: Mar-2017
出版者: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
誌名: Journal of High Energy Physics
巻: 2017
論文番号: 47
抄録: We examine the marginal deformations of double-trace type in 3d supersymmetric U(N) model with N complex free bosons and fermions. We compute the anomalous dimensions of higher spin currents to the 1/N order but to all orders in the deformation parameters by mainly applying the conformal perturbation theory. The 3d field theory is supposed to be dual to 4d supersymmetric Vasiliev theory, and the marginal deformations are argued to correspond to modifying boundary conditions for bulk scalars and fermions. Thus the modification should break higher spin gauge symmetry and generate the massesof higher spin fields. We provide supports for the dual interpretation by relating bulk computation in terms of Witten diagrams to boundary one in conformal perturbation theory.
著作権等: © The Author(s) 2017
JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/226306
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/JHEP03(2017)047


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