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タイトル: Kyoto University-National Taiwan University International Symposium "Social Cognitive Biology on Representation of Environment
その他のタイトル: 環境理解の社会認知生物学
著者: Saiki, Jun
著者名の別形: 齋木, 潤
キーワード: Social Cognitive Biology
発行日: 31-Jul-2016
出版者: Kyoto University
誌名: Kyoto University-National Taiwan University International Symposium
開始ページ: 5
終了ページ: 36
目次: <Talk Session Abstracts> Attention-modulated perception and learning of visual scenes /Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University) [5]
Visual experience modulates perception, attention, and preferences /Yoshiyuki Ueda (Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University) [6]
Do political colors matter in trust-based interaction? /Chien-Te Wu (School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University) [7]
Cognitive mechanisms in (dis)honesty: behavioral and neural evidence /Nobuhito Abe (Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University) [abstract is not opened to the public]
Understanding the environment without awareness /Su-Ling Yeh (Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, Medical School, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Neurobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan) [9]
The six dimensions of spatial configuration dependency in flanker effects /Chien-Chung Chen (Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University) [10]
Verbal working memory and language environment /Satoru Saito (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) [11]
Methods for neural mind reading /Yukiyasu Kamitani (Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University; ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories) [12]
Processing of artificial and natural stimuli in macaque primary visual cortex /Chun-I Yeh (Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University) [13]
Cognitive and social neurobiology for processing environment danger in rats /Keng-Chen Liang (Department of Psychology, Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center, National Taiwan University) [14]
Self-reflective codes in the deep brain /A. Nikkuni, S. Fujimoto and Yutaka Komura (Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University) [16]
<Poster Session Abstracts> Use of linguistic context is associated strongly with perspective taking /Mitsuhiko Ishikawa [20], The modulation of visual size perception by audition and its temporal property /Daiki Yamasaki [20], Olfactory effects on visual perception for pictures and words in binocular rivalry /Maiko Koumura [21], Implicit and explicit processes of inhibiting desire for an extra-pair relationship /Ryuhei Ueda [21], Does elaborate linguistic context influence to Japanese preschooler ‘s cognition of emotional information? /Yun-Hee Park [22], Effects of Detailed Illustrations on Science Learning /Yu-ying Lin [22], How attention biases recognition memory judgments: A signal-detection approach to Miyoshi and Ashida (2016) /Kiyofumi Miyoshi [23], The influence of the representation of a person on a reading span test /Sho Ishiguro [23], Research and Development on the Acquisition Program of Learning Strategies in Application Learning /Hiroaki Ayabe [24], The functional connectivity of the striatum during focused attention and open monitoring meditation /Masahiro Fujino [24], Does Unconscious Reward Undermine Intrinsic Motivation? /Kenshiro Ichimura [25], The effect of verbal interference on learned categorical perception /Takashi Hiroi [26], Grapheme-color synesthesia and writing motion /Seiji Oshiro [26], Future-based attention affects monocular visual information /Takafumi Tsuji [27], Does it determine the strength of an illusory motion whether we can see the directions of stimuli during a saccade? /Munendo Fujimichi [27], Crossmodal correspondence between timbre and visual sizes /Hiroki Yoshida [28], Updating visual working memory in the averaging task /Mutsumi Yamaoka [28], Perception of color naturalness in different color vision types /Ayana Katsuno [29], Dissociable Contributions of Frontal Lobe and Memory Functions to the Processing of Subjective Time in Older Adults /Ayumi Nakamura [29], Synchronization of features and response is necessary for value-driven attentional capture /Chisato Mine [30], How The Effect of Salience and Ensemble Information are used on Visual Search /Shunsuke Kumakiri [30], Competing against a familiar friend: Interactive mechanism of the temporo-parietal junction with the reward-related regions during episodic encoding /Hikaru Sugimoto [31], Exploratory analysis of synesthetic colors distribution in the color space /Daisuke Hamada [31], Visual short-term memory of gloss under variations in illumination /Hiroyuki Tsuda [32], Impaired recognition of faces encoded by emotional and semantic processes in patients with Parkinson disease /Peaksoon Park [32], Human Area Prostriata: a New Sensory Alarm Area ?/ Hiroki Yamamoto [33], Visual Attention Inspired Close-up View and Distant View Classification /Tong Song [33], Implicit learning of variable spatial configurations /Yoko Higuchi [34], Addressing Internet mediated home culture influence on acculturative stresses of international students /Quan Chen [34], Age-related difference in activations during the retrieval of memories learned from people belonging in the same and different generations /Eri Tsuruha [abstract is not opened to the public], Examining the effects of language, individualism-collectivism, and physical environment on cross-cultural attention /Samuel C. Spevack [36]
記述: Sponsored by Kyoto University, National Taiwan University; Cosponsored by Unit for Advanced Studies of the Human Mind, Kyoto University, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, Supported by Supporting Program for InteRaction-based Initiative Team Studies (SPIRITS), Kyoto University
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/226456
出現コレクション:Kyoto University–National Taiwan University International Symposium "Social Cognitive Biology on Representation of Environment"


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