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タイトル: Wronskians, dualities and FZZT-Cardy branes
著者: Chan, Chuan-Tsung
Irie, Hirotaka
Niedner, Benjamin
Yeh, Chi-Hsien
発行日: Sep-2016
出版者: Elsevier BV
誌名: Nuclear Physics B
巻: 910
開始ページ: 55
終了ページ: 177
抄録: The resolvent operator plays a central role in matrix models. For instance, with utilizing the loop equation, all of the perturbative amplitudes including correlators, the free-energy and those of instanton corrections can be obtained from the spectral curve of the resolvent operator. However, at the level of non-perturbative completion, the resolvent operator is generally not sufficient to recover all the information from the loop equations. Therefore it is necessary to find a sufficient set of operators which provide the missing non-perturbative information. In this paper, we study generalized Wronskians of the Baker–Akhiezer systems as a manifestation of these new degrees of freedom. In particular, we derive their isomonodromy systems and then extend several spectral dualities to these systems. In addition, we discuss how these Wronskian operators are naturally aligned on the Kac table. Since they are consistent with the Seiberg–Shih relation, we propose that these new degrees of freedom can be identified as FZZT-Cardy branes in Liouville theory. This means that FZZT-Cardy branes are the bound states of elemental FZZT branes (i.e. the twisted fermions) rather than the bound states of principal FZZT-brane (i.e. the resolvent operator).
著作権等: © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/227079
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2016.06.014


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