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タイトル: Research Activities about the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl NPS Accident and Social Activities to Assist the Sufferers by the Accident : Report of an International Collaborative Work under the Research Grant of the Toyota Foundation in 1995 - 1997
その他のタイトル: チェルノブイリ原発事故影響研究と被災者救援の現状に関する調査報告
著者名の別形: 今中, 哲二
発行日: Oct-2016
出版者: The Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
巻: 9
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 278
論文番号: KURRI-EKR-9 (KURRI-KR-21)
目次: 1. "Research Activities of the Nuclear Safety Research Group of KURRI with Belarussian, Russian and Ukrainian Colleagues about the Chernobyl Accident" Tetsuji IMANAKA [1]
2. "Chernobyl Accident: the Crisis of the International Radiation Community" Mikhail V. MALKO [5]
3. "General Situation of the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident in Ukraine" Dmytro M. GRODZINSKY [18]
4. "Legislation and Research Activity in Belarus about the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident: Historical Review and Present Situation" Vladimir P. MATSKO, Tetsuji IMANAKA [28]
5. "Legislation and Research Activity in Russia about the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident" Igor A. RYABZEV, Tetsuji IMANAKA [40]
6. "Legislation in Ukraine about the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident" Oleg NASVIT [51]
7. "Research and Managing Institutions in Ukraine concerning the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident" Oleg NASVIT [58]
8. "Assessment of the Chernobyl Radiological Consequences" Mikhail V. MALKO [65]
9. "Relationship between 131I and 137Cs Deposition on Soil in the Territory of Belarus after the Chernobyl Accident." Vladimir. A. KNATKO, Igor I. IVACHKEVICH, Valentina D. ASIMOVA [90]
10. "Isotope Fractionation of Uranium in the Process of Leaching of Nuclides of Dispersed Fuel of RBMK of the Chernobyl NPP" German N. BONDARENKO, Emlen V. SOBOTOVICH [93]
11. "Impact of Radiation on the Population during the First Weeks and Months after the Chernobyl Accident and Health State of the Population 10 Years Later" Alla YAROSHINSKAYA [104]
12. "Chernobyl 1996: New Materials concerning Acute Radiation Syndrome around Chernobyl" Vladimir M. LUPANDIN [108]
13. "Overview of Different Information about Acute Radiation Syndrome among Inhabitants around Chernobyl" Alla YAROSHINSKAYA [114]
14. "Dose Assessment for Inhabitants Evacuated from the 30-km Zone Soon after the Chernobyl Accident" Tetsuji IMANAKA, Hiroaki KOIDE [121]
15. "Current State of Epidemiological Studies in Belarus about Chernobyl Sufferers" Vladimir P. MATSKO [127]
16. "Epidemiological Studies in Russia about the Consequences of the Chernobyl APS Accident" Igor A. RYABZEV [139]
17. "Dynamics of Health Status of Residents in the Lugyny District after the Accident at the ChNPS" Ivan GODLEVSKY, Oleg NASVIT [149]
18. "Radiation Situation and Health Statistics of the People in the Tula Region of Russia after the Chernobyl Catastrophe" J. Socorro DELGADO ANDIA [157]
19. "Present Status of Childhood Thyroid Carcinoma in Belarus following the Chernobyl Accident" Akira SUGENOYA, Yuri E. DEMIDCHIK, Evgeny P. DEMIDCHIK [165]
20. "Lens Opacities in Children of Belarus Affected by the Chernobyl Accident" A. N. ARINCHIN, L. A. OSPENNIKOVA [168]
21. "Genetic Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident for Belarus Republic" Gennady LAZJUK, Yukio SATOW, Dmitri NIKOLAEV, Irina NOVIKOVA [174]
22. "Monitoring of Cytogenetic Damages in Peripheral Lymphocytes of Children Living in Radiocontaminated Areas of Belarus" Ludmila S. MIKHALEVICH [178]
23. "Study of Genetic Effects in Somatic Cells of Children Living on the Contaminated Territories in Belarus" Ludmila S. MIKHALEVICH [184]
24. "Results of Long-term Genetic Monitoring of Animal Populations Chronically Irradiated in the Radiocontaminated Areas" Rose GONCHAROVA and Nadezhda RIABOKON [194]
25. "Cytogenetic Effects of the Action of Ionizing Radiations on Human Populations" Vladimir A. SHEVCHENKO, Galina P. SNIGIRYOVA [203]
26. "Estimation of Absorbed Doses on the Basis of Cytogenetic Methods" Vladimir A. SHEVCHENKO, Galina P. SNIGIRYOVA, Alexander V. RUBANOVICH [216]
27. "Peculiarities of Biological Action of Low Irradiation Doses and Their Probable Relation to the Health State of Participants of Chernobyl Accident Liquidation" E.B. BURLAKOVA, A.N. GOLOSHCHAPOV, N.V. GORBUNOVA, S.M. GUREVICH, G.P. ZHIZHINA, A.I. KOZACHENKO, A.A. KONRADOV, D.B. KORMAN, E.M. MOLOCHKINA, L.G. NAGLER, I.B. OZEROVA, S.I. SKALATSKAYA, M.A. SMOTRYAEVA, O.A. TARASENKO, Yu.A. TRESHCHENKOVA, V.A. SHEVCHENKO [223]
28. "Chernobyl Sufferers in Ukraine and Their Social Problems: Short Outline" Volodymyr TYKHYI [235]
29. "Social Aspects of the Chernobyl Activity in Belarus" Mikhail V. MALKO [246]
30. "Problems of Social Assistance to the Chernobyl Sufferers in Russia" Alla YAROSHINSKAYA [257]
31. "Legal Regime of the Chernobyl Problems in the USSR, Belarus, Russia and the Ukraine" Milan ZGERSKY [266]
32. "Collection of Interesting Data Published in Various Documents" Tetsuji Imanaka [271]
記述: Edited by: Imanaka T.
編集: 今中哲二
著作権等: 掲載された論文等の出版権、複製権および公衆送信権は原則として京都大学原子炉実験所に帰属する。本誌は京都大学学術情報リポジトリに登録・公開するものとする。 http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/227257
関連リンク: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/04_kr/
出現コレクション:KUR Report


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