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タイトル: Recent Research Activities about the Chernobyl NPP Accidentin Belarus, Ukraine and Russia
その他のタイトル: チェルノブイリ原発事故に関するベラルーシ、ウクライナ、ロシアでの最近の研究状況
著者名の別形: 今中, 哲二
発行日: Oct-2016
出版者: The Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
巻: 10
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 306
論文番号: KURRI-EKR-10 (KURRI-KR-79)
目次: 1. "Current Topics about the Radiological Consequences by the Chernobyl Accident" Tetsuji IMANAKA [1]
2. "The Chernobyl Reactor: Design Features and Reasons for Accident" Mikhail V. MALKO [11]
3. "The Causes and Scenario of the Chernobyl Accident, and Radioactive Release on the CHNPP Unit-4 Site" Boris I. GORBACHEV [28]
4. "Nuclear Fuel in the Destroyed 4th Unit of Chernobyl NPP" Volodymyr M. PAVLOVYCH [45]
5. "Analysis of Radioactive Contamination in the Near Zone of Chornobyl NPP" Alexander GAYDAR and Oleg NASVIT [59]
6. "Radioecological Situation in the Cooling Pond of Chornobyl NPP" Oleg NASVIT [74]
7. "Iodine-131 Contamination, Thyroid Doses and Thyroid Cancer in the Contaminated Areas of Russia" Valery F. STEPANENKO, Evgeny M. PARSHKOV, Viktor A. SOKOLOV, Mark Yu. ORLOV, Alexander I. IVANNIKOV, Valery G. SKVORTSOV, Elena K. IASKOVA, Timofey V. KOLIZSHENKOV, Irina G. KRYUKOVA and Anatoly F. TSYB [86]
8. "Radioactive Contamination of Food in Stepanivka Village, Zhytomyr Region, Ukraine: in 1992 and in 2001" Volodymyr TYKHYY [97]
9. "Content of Radionuclides of Chernobyl Origin in Food Products for the Belarusian Population" Vladimir P. MATSKO and Tetsuji IMANAKA [105]
10. "Long-Term Observation of Radioactivity Contamination in Fish around Chernobyl" Igor N. RYABOV [114]
11. "EPR Dosimetry of Chernobyl Liquidators" Vadim CHUMAK [125]
12. "Retrospective Dose Assessment of Inhabitants in the Contaminated Areas of Russia by EPR Measurement of Tooth Enamel" Alexandre I. IVANNIKOV, Valeri G. SKVORTSOV and Valeri F. STEPANENKO [144]
13. "Estimations of Radiation Risk for the Population of Contaminated Territory of Belarus" Vladimir A. KNATKO, M. M. KOMOCHKOV and A. E. YANUSH [154]
14. "Estimation of Thyroid Doses from Inhalation of 131I for Population of Contaminated Regions of Belarus" Vladimir A. KNATKO and Inga N. DOROZHOK [162]
15. "Radiation Epidemiological Studies in Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Registry: Estimation of Cancer and Non-cancer Consequences Observed among Chernobyl Liquidators" Marat M. MAKSIOUTOV [170]
16. "Review of Epidemiological Finding in Study of Medical Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident in Ukrainian Population and Mykola. "M. "FUZIK" Anatoly Ye. PRYSYAZHNYUK, Volodymir G. GRISHTSHENKO, Zoya P. FEDORENKO, Ludmila O. GULAK and Mykola. M. FUZIK [190]
17. "Intelligence and Brain Damage in Children Acutely Irradiated in Utero As a Result of the Chernobyl Accident" Angelina I. NYAGU, Konstantin N. LOGANOVSKY, Tatiana K. LOGANOVSKAYA, Viktor S. REPIN and Stanislav Yu. NECHAEV [204]
18. "Health State of Belarusian Children Suffering from the Chernobyl Accident: Sixteen Years after the Catastrophe" Alexander N. ARYNCHYN, Tatiana V. AVHACHEVA, Nika A. GRES and Ekaterina I. SLOBOZHANIA [233]
19. "Chernobyl Radiation-induced Thyroid Cancers in Belarus" Mikhail V. MALKO [242]
20. "Analysis of Chromosome Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes after Accidental Exposure to" Galina SNIGIRYOVA and Vladimir SHEVCHENKO [258]
21. "The Follow-up Study of Chromosomal aberrations in Chernobyl Clean-up Workers" Natalia M. SLOZINA and Elizaveta G. NERONOVA [270]
22. "Chromosomal Aberrations in Blood Lymphocytes of the Residents of 30-km Chornobyl NPP Exclusion Zone" Larysa BEZDROBNA, Tetyana TSYGANOK, Olena ROMANOVA, Larysa TARASENKO, Volodymyr TRYSHYN and Ludmila KLIMKINA [279]
23. "Cytogenetic Effects of Radiation on Agricultural Plants Observed in the Chernobyl region during the First Years after the Accident" Stanislav A. GERASKIN, Vladimir G. DIKAREV, Yevgenia Ya. ZYABLITSKAYA, Alla A. OUDALOVA and Yevgeniy V. SPIRIN [289]
24. "Abstracts (in Japanese)" [299]
著作権等: 掲載された論文等の出版権、複製権および公衆送信権は原則として京都大学原子炉実験所に帰属する。本誌は京都大学学術情報リポジトリに登録・公開するものとする。 http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/227258
関連リンク: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/04_kr/
出現コレクション:KUR Report


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