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dc.contributor.author葉佐井, 博巳ja
dc.contributor.author星, 正治ja
dc.contributor.author柴田, 誠一ja
dc.contributor.author今中, 哲二ja
dc.contributor.alternativeHasai, H.en
dc.contributor.alternativeHoshi, M.en
dc.contributor.alternativeShibata, S.en
dc.contributor.alternativeImanaka, T.en
dc.description編集: 葉佐井博巳、星正治、柴田誠一、今中哲二. Editedby: Hasai H., Hoshi M., Shibata S., Imanaka T.ja
dc.description.tableofcontents1 "広島・長崎原爆放射線推定方式DS02 の背景と総括" 葉佐井博巳(広島国際学院大学) [1]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents2 "広島大での152Eu, 60Co の測定" 静間清(広島大学) [7]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents3 "金沢大学での152Eu 測定(1)" 中西孝(金沢大学) [14]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents4 "金沢大学における原爆中性子誘導核種152Eu の測定 (II)" 小村和久(金沢大学) [21]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents5 "広島原爆被爆花崗岩の36Cl-AMS 測定" 長島泰夫、関李紀、松広岳司、高橋勉、笹公和、末木啓介(筑波大学AMS グループ)、星正治(広島大学)、藤田正一郎(放射線影響研究所)、静間清(広島大学)、葉佐井博巳(広島国際学院大学) [31]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents6 "液体シンチレーション法による広島原爆被爆銅試料中の63Ni の測定" 柴田誠一(京都大学) [36]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents7 "152Eu と 36Cl の相互比較測定" 星正治、遠藤暁(広島大学)、石川正純(東京大学)、小村和久(金沢大学)、長島泰夫(筑波大学)、福嶋浩人(日本分析センター)、今中哲二(京都大学) [42]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents8 "広島・長崎における原爆ガンマ線量の推定" 丸山隆司(放射線医学総合研究所)、長友恒人(奈良教育大学)、星正治(広島大学)、隈元芳一(放射線医学総合研究所)、藤田正一郎、Harry CULLINGS(放射線影響研究所) [49]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents9 "Comparison of TLD measured values to DS02" Harry CULLINGS (RERF), George KERR (Kerr Consultant), FUJITA Shoichiro (RERF), MARUYAMA Takashi (NIRS), HOSHI Masaharu (Hiroshima University), Stephen EGBERT (SAIC) [65]en
dc.description.tableofcontents10 "Re-evaluation of the Hiroshima hypocenter based on data in ABCC Technical Reports 12-59 and 3-69: Some initial ideas and results" Harry CULLINGS, FUJITA Shoichiro (RERF), HOSHI Masaharu (Hiroshima University) [82]en
dc.description.tableofcontents11 "環境中性子のIN-SITU 測定" 遠藤暁(広島大学) [101]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents12 "放射化学的手法による63Cu(n, p)63Ni 反応の励起関数の測定" 高宮幸一(京都大学) [108]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents13 "花崗岩中水分の測定-原爆中性子線量の再評価に関連して-" 岩谷和夫(広島県立保健福祉大学)、葉佐井博巳(広島国際学院大学)、静間清、星正治、遠藤暁(広島大学)、岡隆光(呉大学)、今中哲二(京都大学) [113]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents14 "陽子弾性散乱同時計数法による花崗岩の水素分析" 小松原哲郎、笹公和、石井聡、大和良広、宮川一尚、佐藤健一郎、黒澤正紀(筑波大学) [120]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents15 "DS02 原爆線量計算システムの概要とその検証計算" 今中哲二(京都大学) [124]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents16 "DS02 計算と測定値の比較" 遠藤暁(広島大学) [134]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents17 "放影研における被爆者のDS02 線量計算" 藤田正一郎、Harry CULLINGS、Dale PRESTON、船本幸代、寺西幸子、Eric GRANT、渡辺忠章(放射線影響研究所) [142]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents18 "DS02 に基づく誘導放射線量の評価" 今中哲二(京都大学) [150]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents19 "「黒い雨」にともなう積算線量" 静間清(広島大学) [155]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents20 "広島原爆黒い雨の中のU-235/U-238 比" 藤川陽子(京都大学)、静間清、遠藤暁(広島大学)、福井正美(京都大学) [164]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents21 "長崎原爆によるPu フォールアウトの環境中での分布と挙動:長崎でのローカル・フォールアウト調査とアガシ・アイス・キャップでのグローバル・フォールアウト調査" 馬原保典、工藤章(京都大学) [169]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents22 "広島原爆の黒い雨による残留放射能と被ばく線量" 丸山隆司(放射線医学総合研究所)、吉川友章(気象研究所) [184]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents付録:DS02 による無遮蔽地上1mのカーマ線量と放射化量計算値 [196]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents1 "Historical review of radiation dosimetry for the Hiroshima-Nagasaki atomic bombings" HASAI Hiromi (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University) [1]en
dc.description.tableofcontents2 "Residual 152Eu and 60Co activity measurement in Hiroshima and Nagasaki" SHIZUMA Kiyoshi (Hiroshima University) [7]en
dc.description.tableofcontents3 "152Eu measurement at Kanazawa University (1)" NAKANISHI Takashi (Kanazawa University) [14]en
dc.description.tableofcontents4 "Measurements of Atomic Bomb induced 152Eu at Kanazawa University (II)" KOMURA Kazuhisa (Kanazawa University) [21]en
dc.description.tableofcontents5 "AMS- 36Cl measurements for the Hiroshima A-bombed granite" NAGASHIMA Yasuo, SEKI Riki, MATSUHIRO Takeshi, TAKAHASHI Tsutomu, SASA Kimikazu, SUEKI Keisuke (University of Tsukuba), HOSHI Masaharu (Hiroshima University), FUJITA Shoichiro (RERF), SHIZUMA Kiyoshi (Hiroshima University), HASAI Hiromi (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University) [31]en
dc.description.tableofcontents6 "63Ni measurements by liquid scintillation method" SHIBATA Seiichi (Kyoto University) [36]en
dc.description.tableofcontents7 "Intercomparison of 152Eu and 36Cl measurements" HOSHI Masaharu, ENDO Satoru (Hiroshima University), ISHIKAWA Masayori (University of Tokyo), KOMURA Kazuhisa (Kanazawa University), NAGASHIMA Yasuo (University of Tsukuba), FUKUSHIMA Hiroto (Japan Chemical Analysis Center), IMANAKA Tetsuji (Kyoto University) [42]en
dc.description.tableofcontents8 "TL measurements for γ-radiation dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki" MARUYAMA Takashi (NIRS), NAGATOMO Tsuneto (Nara University of Education), HOSHI Masaharu (Hiroshima University), KUMAMOTO Yoshikazu (NIRS), FUJITA Shoichiro, Harry CULLINGS (RERF) [49]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents9 "Comparison of TLD measured values to DS02" Harry CULLINGS (RERF), George KERR (Kerr Consultant), FUJITA Shoichiro (RERF), MARUYAMA Takashi (NIRS), HOSHI Masaharu (Hiroshima University), Stephen EGBERT (SAIC) [65]en
dc.description.tableofcontents10 "Re-evaluation of the Hiroshima hypocenter based on data in ABCC Technical Reports 12-59 and 3-69: Some initial ideas and results" Harry CULLINGS, FUJITA Shoichiro (RERF), HOSHI Masaharu (Hiroshima University) [82]en
dc.description.tableofcontents11 "Measurement of natural neutrons in Hiroshima" ENDO Satoru (Hiroshima University) [101]en
dc.description.tableofcontents12 "Measurement of excitation function for 63Cu(n, p)63Ni by radiochemical method" TAKAMIYA Koichi (Kyoto University) [108]en
dc.description.tableofcontents13 "Measurement of water component in the granite rock" IWATANI Kazuo (Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Sciences), HASAI Hiromi (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University), SHIZUMA Kiyoshi, HOSHI Masaharu, ENDO Satoru (Hiroshima University), OKA Takamitsu (Kure University), IMANAKA Tetsuji (Kyoto University) [113]en
dc.description.tableofcontents14 "Hydrogen analysis for granite samples by using proton-proton elastic recoil coincidence spectrometry" KOMATSUBARA Tetsuro, SASA Kimikazu, ISHII Satoshi YAMATO Yoshihiro, MIYAKAWA Kazutaka, SATO Kenichiro, KUROSAWA Masanori (University of Tsukuba) [120]en
dc.description.tableofcontents15 "Outline of the calculation system for DS02 and related calculations in Japan" IMANAKA Tetsuji (Kyoto University) [124]en
dc.description.tableofcontents16 "Comparison of DS02 calculation with measured data" ENDO Satoru (Hiroshima University) [134]en
dc.description.tableofcontents17 "DS02 survivor dose estimation at RERF" FUJITA Shoichiro, Harry CULLINGS, Dale PRESTON, FUNAMOTO Sachiyo, TERANISHI Sachiko, Eric GRANT, WATANABE Tadaaki (RERF) [142]en
dc.description.tableofcontents18 "Neutron induced radiation dose by the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki based on the DS02 methodology" IMANAKA Tetsuji (Kyoto University) [150]en
dc.description.tableofcontents19 "Estimation of cumulative exposure from radioactive fallout" SHIZUMA Kiyoshi (Hiroshima University) [155]en
dc.description.tableofcontents20 "U-235/U-238 ratios detected in the black rain from the Hiroshima A-bomb" FUJIKAWA Yoko (Kyoto University), SHIZUMA Kiyoshi, ENDO Satoru (Hiroshima University), FUKUI Masami (Kyoto University) [164]en
dc.description.tableofcontents21 "Distribution and behavior of fallout plutonium released by the Nagasaki A-Bomb: Surveys at the Nagasaki area for the local fallout and at Agassiz ice cap for the global fallout" MAHARA Yasunori, KUDO Akira (Kyoto University) [169]en
dc.description.tableofcontents22 "Residual radioactivity and radiation dose due to black rain by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima" MARUYAMA Takashi (NIRS), YOSHIKAWA Tomoaki (Meteorological Research Institute) [184]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsAppendix: Free-in-air kerma and neutron activation at 1 m above the ground based on DS02 [196]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsWorkshop programen
dc.description.tableofcontentsParticipant listen
dc.publisher.alternativeThe Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto Universityen
dc.rights掲載された論文等の出版権、複製権および公衆送信権は原則として京都大学原子炉実験所に帰属する。本誌は京都大学学術情報リポジトリに登録・公開するものとする。 http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/ja
dc.title.alternativeProceedings of the workshop "New Radiation Dosimetry System DS02 for the Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasakien
dc.typeresearch report-
dc.type.niitypeResearch Paper-
dc.identifier.artnumKURRI-EKR-11 (KURRI-KR-114)-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
出現コレクション:KUR Report


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