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タイトル: <Chapter 5> Bridging a divide? Local initiatives in a multi-level policy context
著者: Buizer, I.M. (Marleen)
発行日: Mar-2009
出版者: Center for Integrated Area Studies (CIAS), Kyoto University
誌名: CIAS discussion paper No.8 : Forest policies for a sustainable humanosphere
巻: 8
開始ページ: 41
終了ページ: 48
抄録: This paper presents two case studies about private actors aspiring to realize their innovative ideas on land management and design in two small areas in the Netherlands. One case involves an area that is to be partly forested in line with operative policies to establish a large urban green structure; the second case is an area that is part of a national ecological structure and already primarily consists of forest. However, in both areas various groups and organizations were seeking to implement alternative land uses and taking action to promote their ideas. It was clear from the start that the ways in which the initiators of these ideas gave meaning to the areas differed from the ideas enshrined in existing policies. The case studies show that there was ample innovative potential at the local level and that ideas do get implemented with considerable effort, due to factors such as personal zeal, perseverance, trust and empathy that developed in people “in the field.” However, an analysis of the cases also shows that there has been only limited discussion about the possible wider policy implications of these local innovations. Thus, the study revealed an asymmetry between local innovative potential and an apparent lack of responsiveness on the part of established policy. The study used the policy arrangements approach, consisting of 1) an analysis of the relationships between discourses, actor coalitions, rules and resources at the level of day-to-day interactions between the initiatives and established policy, and 2) an analysis of the relationship between these day-to-day interactions and an assumed more general, structural process of sub-politicization. The study concludes that there was a simultaneous occurrence of sub-politicization and depoliticization which both have significant impacts on the direction of green space policies and determining who can participate in them.
記述: This paper is based on a PhD research “Worlds Apart; The Interactions of Local Initiatives and Established Policies” (Buizer 2008). The PhD research contained three cases. This paper focuses on the two of these which involved forest policies.
著作権等: © Center for Integrated Area Studies (CIAS), Kyoto University
The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessary represent the point of view of the Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University. The chapters in this publication present the opinion of the authors and not of the editor.
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/228417
出現コレクション:No.8 : Forest policies for a sustainable humanosphere


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