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タイトル: 焼畑民によるアブラヤシ農園開発の受容 --インドネシア東カリマンタン州・ベシ村を事例として-- (<特集>アブラヤシ農園拡大の政治経済学 --アクター, 言説, 制度の視点から--)
その他のタイトル: How Accepting Are Swiddeners of Oil Palm Plantation Developments? Based on Evidence from Besiq Village, Indonesia's Province of East Kalimantan (<special issue> Political Economy of Oil Palm Plantation Expansion: Actors, Discourse, and Institutions)
著者: 寺内, 大左  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Terauchi, Daisuke
キーワード: East Kalimantan
oil palm plantation developments
finding of multiple values
発行日: 31-Jan-2018
出版者: 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所
誌名: 東南アジア研究
巻: 55
号: 2
開始ページ: 320
終了ページ: 345
抄録: The Indonesian government encourages oil palm plantation development based on the Perusahaan Inti Rakyat (PIR) scheme to modernize swiddeners' agricultural practices as well as to help develop the national economy. The purpose of this study is to clarify how swiddeners are accepting the oil palm plantation development in East Kalimantan. Swiddeners characterize oil palm plantation development separately as "Plantation development" and "Oil palm trees" and introduce the two of them differently based on their separate evaluations. Swiddeners recognize that plantation development has its positives, such as regular and high cash incomes, monetary compensation for the use of their lands, as well as fostering good social relationships with a villager hired by the company. However, it has negatives too, such as drastic changes to swidden-based livelihoods. Based on these multiple evaluations, swiddeners introduced plantation development in inaccessible and unproductive land but planted oil palm trees themselves in their fallow fields. Although they cannot currently obtain financial benefits from harvesting the fresh fruit bunches due to a lack of mills, they recognize the benefits of planting oil palms, such as creating a border for the swidden fields, obtaining edible shoots from the oil palm trees, and potential future cash income sources. Swiddeners recontextualized oil palm production from the modernized plantation system, fixed by the PIR scheme, to a swidden-based land-use system.
著作権等: ©京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 2018
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/229069
DOI(出版社版): 10.20495/tak.55.2_320
出現コレクション:Vol.55 No.2


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