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タイトル: The effect of duration of illness and antipsychotics on subcortical volumes in schizophrenia: Analysis of 778 subjects
著者: Hashimoto, Naoki
Ito, Yoichi M.
Okada, Naohiro
Yamamori, Hidenaga
Yasuda, Yuka
Fujimoto, Michiko
Kudo, Noriko
Takemura, Ariyoshi
Son, Shuraku
Narita, Hisashi
Yamamoto, Maeri
Tha, Khin Khin
Katsuki, Asuka
Ohi, Kazutaka
Yamashita, Fumio
Koike, Shinsuke
Takahashi, Tsutomu
Nemoto, Kiyotaka
Fukunaga, Masaki
Onitsuka, Toshiaki
Watanabe, Yoshiyuki
Yamasue, Hidenori
Suzuki, Michio
Kasai, Kiyoto
Kusumi, Ichiro
Hashimoto, Ryota
著者名の別形: 竹村, 有由
孫, 樹洛
キーワード: Schizophrenia
Globus pallidus
Duration of illness
発行日: 2018
出版者: Elsevier BV
誌名: NeuroImage: Clinical
巻: 17
開始ページ: 563
終了ページ: 569
抄録: Bachground: The effect of duration of illness and antipsychotic medication on the volumes of subcortical structures in schizophrenia is inconsistent among previous reports. We implemented a large sample analysis utilizing clinical data from 11 institutions in a previous meta-analysis. Methods: Imaging and clinical data of 778 schizophrenia subjects were taken from a prospective meta-analysis conducted by the COCORO consortium in Japan. The effect of duration of illness and daily dose and type of antipsychotics were assessed using the linear mixed effect model where the volumes of subcortical structures computed by FreeSurfer were used as a dependent variable and age, sex, duration of illness, daily dose of antipsychotics and intracranial volume were used as independent variables, and the type of protocol was incorporated as a random effect for intercept. The statistical significance of fixed-effect of dependent variable was assessed. Results: Daily dose of antipsychotics was positively associated with left globus pallidus volume and negatively associated with right hippocampus. It was also positively associated with laterality index of globus pallidus. Duration of illness was positively associated with bilateral globus pallidus volumes. Type of antipsychotics did not have any effect on the subcortical volumes. Discussion: A large sample size, uniform data collection methodology and robust statistical analysis are strengths of the current study. This result suggests that we need special attention to discuss about relationship between subcortical regional brain volumes and pathophysiology of schizophrenia because regional brain volumes may be affected by antipsychotic medication.
著作権等: © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY-NC-ND/4.0/)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/230809
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.11.004
PubMed ID: 29201642


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