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タイトル: Search for CP violation in the D⁺→π⁺π0 decay at Belle
著者: Babu, V.
Trabelsi, K.
Mohanty, G. B.
Aziz, T.
Greenwald, D.
Adachi, I.
Aihara, H.
Al Said, S.
Asner, D. M.
Atmacan, H.
Ayad, R.
Badhrees, I.
Bahinipati, S.
Bakich, A. M.
Bansal, V.
Behera, P.
Berger, M.
Bhardwaj, V.
Biswal, J.
Bobrov, A.
Bozek, A.
Bračko, M.
Browder, T. E.
Červenkov, D.  KAKEN_name
Chen, A.
Cheon, B. G.
Chilikin, K.
Cho, K.
Choi, Y.
Choudhury, S.
Cinabro, D.
Dash, N.
Di Carlo, S.
Doležal, Z.
Drásal, Z.
Dutta, D.
Eidelman, S.
Epifanov, D.
Fast, J. E.
Ferber, T.
Fulsom, B. G.
Gaur, V.
Gabyshev, N.
Garmash, A.
Gelb, M.
Goldenzweig, P.
Golob, B.
Guan, Y.
Guido, E.
Haba, J.
Hayasaka, K.
Hayashii, H.
Hedges, M. T.
Horiguchi, T.
Hou, W.-S.
Inami, K.
Ishikawa, A.
Itoh, R.
Iwasaki, M.
Jacobs, W. W.
Jeon, H. B.
Jia, S.
Jin, Y.
Joffe, D.
Joo, K. K.
Julius, T.
Kaliyar, A. B.
Kang, J. H.
Kang, K. H.
Karyan, G.
Katrenko, P.
Kawasaki, T.
Kiesling, C.
Kim, D. Y.
Kim, H. J.
Kim, J. B.
Kim, K. T.
Kim, S. H.
Kim, Y. J.
Kinoshita, K.
Kodyš, P.
Korpar, S.
Kotchetkov, D.
Križan, P.
Kroeger, R.
Krokovny, P.
Kuhr, T.
Kulasiri, R.
Kumar, R.
Kuzmin, A.
Kwon, Y.-J.
Lange, J. S.
Li, L. K.
Li Gioi, L.
Libby, J.
Liventsev, D.
Lubej, M.
Luo, T.
Masuda, M.
Matsuda, T.
Matvienko, D.
Merola, M.
Miyabayashi, K.
Miyata, H.
Mizuk, R.
Mori, T.
Mrvar, M.
Nakano, E.
Nakao, M.
Nanut, T.
Nath, K. J.
Natkaniec, Z.
Nayak, M.
Niiyama, M.
Nisar, N. K.
Nishida, S.
Ogawa, S.
Okuno, S.
Ono, H.
Ono, Y.
Ostrowicz, W.
Pakhlov, P.
Pakhlova, G.
Pal, B.
Pardi, S.
Park, C.-S.
Park, H.
Paul, S.
Pestotnik, R.
Piilonen, L. E.
Popov, V.
Prasanth, K.
Pulvermacher, C.
Rauch, J.
Resmi, P. K.
Ritter, M.
Rostomyan, A.
Russo, G.
Sakai, Y.
Salehi, M.
Sandilya, S.
Santelj, L.
Sanuki, T.
Savinov, V.
Schneider, O.
Schnell, G.
Schwanda, C.
Schwartz, A. J.
Seino, Y.
Senyo, K.
Seon, O.
Seong, I. S.
Sevior, M. E.
Shebalin, V.
Shen, C. P.
Shibata, T.-A.
Shiu, J.-G.
Shwartz, B.
Simon, F.
Sokolov, A.
Solovieva, E.
Stanič, S.
Starič, M.
Strube, J. F.
Sumihama, M.
Sumiyoshi, T.
Takizawa, M.
Tamponi, U.
Tanida, K.
Tenchini, F.
Uchida, M.
Uglov, T.
Unno, Y.
Uno, S.
Urquijo, P.
Usov, Y.
Vahsen, S. E.
Van Hulse, C.
Varner, G.
Varvell, K. E.
Waheed, E.
Wang, B.
Wang, C. H.
Wang, M.-Z.
Wang, P.
Watanabe, Y.
Widmann, E.
Won, E.
Yamamoto, H.
Yamashita, Y.
Ye, H.
Yuan, C. Z.
Yusa, Y.
Zakharov, S.
Zhang, Z. P.
Zhilich, V.
Zhukova, V.
Zhulanov, V.
Zupanc, A.
Belle Collaboration
著者名の別形: 新山, 雅之
発行日: 1-Jan-2018
出版者: American Physical Society (APS)
誌名: Physical Review D
巻: 97
号: 1
論文番号: 011101(R)
抄録: We search for CP violation in the charged charm meson decay D⁺→π⁺π0, based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 921 fb⁻1 collected by the Belle experiment at the KEKB e⁺e⁻ asymmetric-energy collider. The measured CP-violating asymmetry is [+2031 ± 1.24(stat) ± 0.23(syst)]%, which is consistent with the standard model prediction and has a significantly improved precision compared to previous results.
著作権等: Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/230811
DOI(出版社版): 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.011101


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