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タイトル: 『三國遺事』的「朝鮮」敘事與高麗王朝正統性之再塑造
その他のタイトル: The Statement of 'Korea' in OverlookedHistorical Records of The Three Korean Kingdoms and the Reconstruction of Goryeo Dynasty's Legitimacy
著者: 李, 磊  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: LI, Lei
発行日: 20-Dec-2017
出版者: 京都大學人文科學研究所
誌名: 東方學報
巻: 92
開始ページ: 388
終了ページ: 370
抄録: 「朝鮮」在高麗語境中指半島北部地區。『三國遺事』經由檀君「朝鮮」與高麗王畿地域空閒一致性的敘事將高麗王朝的正統性上延至司馬遷所認爲的信史堯時代。因平壤在邊防與意識形態領域的重要性, 尤其是在蒙、麗戰爭中的失守, 高麗時人增强平壤認同。『三國遺事』接受唐人以「朝鮮地」、衞氏朝鮮都城、漢樂浪郡城、高句麗都城同爲「平壤」的觀點, 經由平壤認同, 强化朝鮮認同與高句麗認同。該史觀爲朝鮮王朝編撰『高麗史』所吸納。『三國遣事』還構建「朝鮮−馬韓−高句麗」的歷史譜系, 將半島南部也納入「朝鮮史」之中。經此正統觀的再塑造, 高麗末期形成關於朝鮮半島地理、歷史的「東方一統」意識, 成爲麗、鮮易代的基礎。
'Korea' refers to the northern region of the Peninsula in Goryeo's context. In Overlooked Historical Records of The Three Korean Kingdoms, the suburbs of the capital of Goryeo shared the same location with Dangun 'Korea', which advanced Goryeo Dynasty's legitimacy to the period of Yao. Pyongyang had been attached such importance both in border defence and in ideological sphere. Especially when it was lost during the war with Mongol, people in Goryeo Dynasty strengthened their cognition awareness for Pyongyang. Overlooked Historical Records of The Three Korean Kingdoms adopted the idea popular among Tang Chinese that 'Korea', the capital of Weiman Joseon, Lelang Commanderies and the capital of Koguryo all refer to Pyongyang. This idea strengthened their cognition awareness both to Korea and to Koguryo and it was also adopted by Goryeosa which was compiled by Korea Dynasty. Besides, Overlooked Historical Records of The Three Korean Kingdoms constructed 'Korea-Mahan-Koguryo' pedigree, taking the southern region of the Peninsula into the whole history of Korea. By Reconstructing this legitimacy, the 'East Unification' awareness about Korean Peninsula's geography and history began to form in late Goryeo Dynasty, which was the basis for the dynastic change from Goryeo to Korea.
DOI: 10.14989/231156
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/231156


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