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タイトル: 植民地体制形成期の管区都市と政治(2) --人身保護令状騒動とインド人の「意見」--
その他のタイトル: A Presidency Town and Politics during the Early Colonial Period (2): Indian 'Opinion' during the Stir over Writs of 'Habeus Corpus'
著者: 長尾, 明日香  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nagao, Asuka
発行日: Mar-2016
出版者: NIHU Program Contemporary India Area Studies (INDAS)
誌名: INDAS Working Papers
巻: 15
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 24
抄録: There was an immense stir over issuing of writs of 'Habeus Corpus' by judges of the Bombay Supreme Court in 1828. While the local government claimed that they were opposing the court's actions to protect 'inland' Indians against the aggressions of the court, the so-called 'opinions' of 'inland' Indian people that were 'expressed' during this incidence were heavily distorted or even forced to suit the political purposes of a colonial officer.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/231386
出現コレクション:INDAS Working Papers


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