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タイトル: 植民地体制形成期の管区都市と政治(3) --ボンベイ住民の請願運動--
その他のタイトル: A Presidency Town and Politics during the Early Colonial Period (3): A Petition Movement of Indian Inhabitants of Bombay
著者: 長尾, 明日香  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nagao, Asuka
発行日: Mar-2016
出版者: NIHU Program Contemporary India Area Studies (INDAS)
誌名: INDAS Working Papers
巻: 16
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 20
抄録: The first large-scale petition movement of Indian inhabitants of Bombay was launched during the years when the so-called 'judiciary and executive conflicts' were intensified. Their addresses and petitions, which were written in forceful English, succeeded to draw some attention of the British media and her people to fallacies of statements that were circulated during the stir. The shetia community, that was at the center of this movement, managed to prove that they could come together to check the despotism of the Company's Rule. However, during this period, they also had to endure various misrespresentations of both themselves and the situation in India.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/231396
出現コレクション:INDAS Working Papers


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