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タイトル: インドネシア地域防災局による2017年アグン火山噴火対応に関する聞き取り調査
その他のタイトル: Interview Survey on the Activities of BPBD, Indonesia during Volcanic Crisis of Agung in 2017
著者: 吉本, 充宏  KAKEN_name
藤井, 敏嗣  KAKEN_name
石峯, 康浩  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YOSHIMOTO, Mitsuhiro
FUJII, Toshitsugu
ISHIMINE, Yasuhiro
発行日: Mar-2018
出版者: 京都大学防災研究所
誌名: 火山防災協議会における火山専門家機能の基本指針策定に向けた検討
開始ページ: 52
終了ページ: 78
論文番号: 共同研究(一般共同研究)28G-08
抄録: This paper is a report on the interview survey on the activities of BPBD (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah = Regional Disaster Management Agency in Indonesia) during a volcanic crisis of Agung in Bali, Indonesia in 2017. We visited four BPBD offices and an evacuation center managed by PMI (Indonesia Red Cross) in Bali state in March 2018 and conducted interviews. We focused on the well-organized evacuation from hazardous areas and prolonged stay in evacuation centers, which were managed by BPBD. More than one hundred and forty thousand people living on the foot of Agung Volcano were evacuated when seismic activities beneath Agung Volcano, which were the signal of upcoming eruptions, have elevated in the middle of September in 2017. The evacuees kept away from Agung Volcano even though the first small-scale eruptions occurred two months later, on 21 November.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/233916


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