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タイトル: ドゥク派開祖ツァンパギャレー(1161-1211)の伝記研究 --ブータン仏教のルーツ--
その他のタイトル: A Study on the Biographies of the Founder of Drukpa Kagyu School: Tsangpa Gyare(1161-1211)
著者: 熊谷, 誠慈  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0009-0009-4280-2005 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: KUMAGAI, Seiji
キーワード: ブータン仏教
Bhutanese Buddhism
'Brug pa bka' brgyud
gTsang pa rgya ras
Ra lung
発行日: 31-Mar-2018
出版者: 京都大学人文科学研究所
誌名: チベット・ヒマラヤ文明の歴史的展開
開始ページ: 279
終了ページ: 309
抄録: In Bhutan there are two major Buddhist schools: Nyingma (rNying ma) and Drukpa Kagyu ('Brug pa bka' brgyud) . While Nyingma is much more widespread and has been vastly researched since it is the oldest among the four main Buddhist schools in the Tibetan cultural area, Drukpa Kagyu still remains insufficiently researched despite having had ruled Bhutan. Fortunately, Western researchers such as Michael Aris, John Ardussi and Yoshiro Imaeda have provided us with a general outline of Drukpa Kagyu history. However, some of its details still remain unclear. Due to difficulties in accessing many of his works, the character and thoughts of Tsangpa Gyare (gTsang-pa rgya-ras Ye-shes rdo-rje, 1161-1211) , the founder of the Drukpa Kagyu, have remained a mistery. Information about its founder is necessary to have a more complete or accurate understanding of the Drukpa Kagyu school. Thus, this paper aims to reexamine Tsangpa Gyare's life, character and thoughts. The methodology employed is as follows: (1) summary of his historical descriptions in chronicles and his biographies. (2) analysis of all of his collected works to construct those aspects of his life, personality and thinking that are not explicitly mentioned in chronicles and his biographies.
記述: 岩尾一史・池田巧編
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/235461


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