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タイトル: An application of two-edge coloured graphs to group algebras of non-noetherian groups (Developments of Language, Logic, Algebraic system and Computer Science)
著者: Nishinaka, Tsunekazu
Alexander, James
著者名の別形: 西中, 恒和
発行日: Oct-2017
出版者: 京都大学数理解析研究所
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録
巻: 2051
開始ページ: 80
終了ページ: 89
抄録: In this note, we introruce an SR-graph and an SR-cycle; we show that certain SR-graphs have SR-cycles. The class of SR-graphs is a subclass of the class of two-edge coloured graphs in which an SR-cycle is called an alternating cycle. We also consider an application of SR-graphs to group algebras; how to prove primitivity of group algebras of non-noetherian groups.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/237093
出現コレクション:2051 言語、論理、代数系と計算機科学の展開


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