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タイトル: <論説>明後期の丈量に就いて
その他のタイトル: <Articles>Land Surveys in Later Ming Period
著者: 西村, 元照  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nishimura, G.
発行日: 1-Sep-1971
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 54
号: 5
開始ページ: 623
終了ページ: 674
抄録: 十六世紀初頭の中國においては、大土地所有者の納税忌避に始まる税糧額の恒常的缺如(虚糧) が問題となつたが、その辦済は結局直接生産者佃戶層への追徴加税(包賠) によつて賄われようとした。そこで負擔に堪えられずに佃戶は逃亡して農民戰爭に蹶起する。この社會矛盾を解決するために行なわれたのが土地丈量であつた。嘉靖初年以来、萬暦九年の張居正による全國土地丈量までの丈量事例の變遷を辿ると、三つの顕著な傾向が見られ、第一期は試行錯誤期であり、第二期は均糧期ともいい得るが、均量によつても大地主層は減収にならなかつた。また丈量方法を檢討すると、自丈・覆丈・會計の三段階があつた。殊に自丈に際して、申告制が採られたため大地主層は自己の既得権を公認させることができるが、他方丈量册に佃戶名が登録されることから、生産關係の再編成までもが、同時に地主層の指導によつて圖られたことになり、後に郷紳支配の擡頭すべき必然性も亦明らかになる。
The Chinese government in the early sixteenth century suffered from the constant shortage of income--hsü-liang (虚糧) --by the refusal of the landed tax-payers. This shortage was made good by its transfer to the direct producers, tien-hu (佃戸), who were forced to pay additional taxes, pao-p'ei (包賠). It is why this age witnessed so many risings of the peasantry who were manily the fusitives from the rack-renting landlords. The land surveys in later Ming dynasty were assumed to find a solution to this problem and underwent some change between chiatsing and wanli, each respectively the first and the last regnal year of the surveys. Moreover the inquiry in the nineth year of wan-li is remembered with the name of Chang Chü Chêng (張居正), the instigator of that nationwide land investigation. We can roughly divide these periods into three : (1) the period of trial and error; (2) the period of chün-liang (均糧), that is the tax-assessment in spite of which the great landed classes remained almost untouched; (3) the period of Chang. Moreover three stages are discernible about how to carry out the survey--tzu-chang, fu-chang and hui-chi. In tzu-chang that is the selfsurvey one could report about his land by himself only to allow the great landowners to make their vested interest lawfully intact. On the other hand the servile classes were recorded as such in the extent (chang-liang-ts'ê), thus degrading their status ever more. The result was the reorganisation of land system of the period and here we see the gradual rise of hsiang-shên, that class of the Chinese gentry.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_54_623
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/238046


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