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タイトル: <論説>近世国役普請の政治史的位置
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Meaning of the Kuniyaku-bushin 国役普請 in the History of the Early Modern Age
著者: 笠谷, 和比古  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kasaya, Kazuhiko
発行日: 1-Jul-1976
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 59
号: 4
開始ページ: 530
終了ページ: 574
抄録: 本稿が扱うのは享保五年から始まる幕府の国役普請制度である。国役普請制は、国役という形で幕領私領一円に賦課されるその課税形態と、幕府による私領分普請に見られる幕府の行政範域の拡大という二点に於て幕藩制史上に特異な位置を占めるものである。それにも拘らず従来の当該制度に対する評価は寧ろ消極的なものであったが、本稿ではその社会的背景をなすものとしての〝水害激発状況〟を措定する事によってその積極的意義を見出し、併せて従来の、公儀普請・御手伝普請・国役普請という並列的理解を排して、私領願国役普請・〝三位一体型〟の一統御普請という二つの普請形態を提示していく。そして宝暦国役普請制を幕府による個別領主救済の体制的確立と見做し、幕府治水政策の推移の中に、危機への幕藩制的な対応の様態とそしてまた幕藩制解体過程の一般的展望とを追究していく。
The Kuniyaku-bushin or the county-levy system for the constructions, which was carried on by Bakufu 幕府 since the 5th year of the Kyōhō 享保, holds two particular meanings in the history of the Bakuhan 幕藩 regime. First, as is called Kuniyaku 国役, it was an exceptional levy system, in which levy is imposed on the whole land without distinction between the demesne of Bakufu and the other lordships. Secondly, with the aid of it, Bakufu enlarged its administrative area, undertaking the constructions in the lordships, especially the embankments and the river-improvements. Hitherto, nevertheless, the very system has never been so much highly esteemed. In this article, I would like to point, out the positive significance, taking the social circumstance namely the extremely frequent flood-disasters into consideration. Furthermore, in place of the former explanation based on the separation of the constructions into Kogi-bushin 公儀普請, Otetsudai-bushin 御手伝普請 Kuniyaku-bushin, I am-to present two forms of the construction, the first of which is Ittogofushin 一統御普請, which intergrates the natures of the said three forms just as trinity. Then the second is Shiryonegai-kuniyaku-bushin 私領願国役普請 in case that the lordships implore them to Bakufu. Aftetall, I esteem the county-levy system for the constructions in the Hôreki 宝暦 period as the structural establishment by Bakufu of the rescue of the individual lordships. In the transition of the policy for the river-improvement, I find not only the proper counteraction to the Bakuhan-regime against the crisis, but also a general survey of the process of the corruption of Bakuhan-regime.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_59_530
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/238298


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