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タイトル: <論説>両大戦間期のドイツ資本主義と自動車工業の位置
その他のタイトル: <Article>German Capitalism in the interwar period and the Place of the Automobilindustry
著者: 西牟田, 祐二  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: Nishimuta, Yuji
発行日: 1-Sep-1985
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 68
号: 5
開始ページ: 767
終了ページ: 808
抄録: ワイマルからナチス体制へと大きな転回を見せた両大戦間期ドイツ資本主義の中にあって、ドイツ自動車工業はひときわ特異な軌跡を描いた。ワイマル体制下「産業合理化運動」期における、アメリカ自動車工業の圧倒的な競争力に直面しての激しい〃生き残り闘争〃。生産過程の変革にもかかわらず、きわめて深刻な経営危機。急速な資本集中運動。そして恐慌を経たのち、ナチス体制のもとでの急激な発展。こうして、この時期を通じて、ドイツ自動車工業は、頭初におけるネグリジブルな位置から、のちにおけるドイツ資本主義の中軸的部門へと巨大な成長を遂げる。本稿は、こうしたドイツ自動車工業の発展過程の分析を通じて、両大戦間期ドイツ資本主義の全動向の解明へと迫って行くこと、これを課題とする。以って、ナチズムとは何か、といういっそう大きな問題への手がかりとしたい。
In German capitalism in the interwar period which had changed drastically from "Weimar" to "National Socialism", German automobilindustry developed in a peculiar trace. At the Industrial-rationalization era in Weimar republic, they had to struggle for existence agaist American automobilindustry which had an overwhelming competition-power. In spite of their reformations of the productionprocess, they had to be distressed at crises of management. The rapid process of capital centralization occured. And after the world economic Crisis, amazing development in the 'National Socialistic' period. In this way through the 1920's and 30's, German automobilindustry has realized an enormous growth, from a negligible being at the begin ning to one of the key-dipartment in German Capitalism at the end. With what character did this developmentprocess go? And what significance did it have in the total-process of German capitalism in the interwar period? To answer this question is the subject of this article. I will advance my analysis as follows : I. 'Industrial-rationalization movement' and the Change of the productionprocess of German automobilindustry II. 'The Crisis of Management' in the German automobilindustrial enterprises and their factors III. The 'Socio-structural' factors concerning 'the Crisis of Management' in the German automobilindustrial enterprises. IV. 'Motorisierungspolitik' by the government of National Sociallst. On this way I would like to demonstrate that this process had occupied one of the central places in the coming and development of National Socialism. I think it will give a new clue to the most difficult problem : what was the National Socialism?
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_68_767
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/238838


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