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タイトル: <論説>社会大衆党の国家社会主義的画一化と小市民 : 大阪府連合会を中心に
その他のタイトル: <Articles>National Socialistic Uniformity in the Social People's Party (Shakai Taisyu To) : With special emphasis on the Petit bourgeois
著者: 小泉, 洋  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KOIZUMI, Hiroshi
発行日: 1-May-1990
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 73
号: 3
開始ページ: 390
終了ページ: 420
抄録: 社会大衆党は麻生久書記長ら本部主流派主導の下、しだいに国家社会主義色を強め、日中戦争が始まると、戦時体腔推進に尽力するに至った。しかし、その国家社会主義化は、党全体に一律に受容されたのではなかった。本稿は最大の地方勢力である大阪府連合会を中心に、本部方針との異同を、一九三三年の「転換期建設政策」、三四年の陸軍パンフレット評価、三六年の二・二六事件観及び人民戦線を中心に明示し、その受容が、党勢不振、有力支持労働団体の右傾化、地方議会の経験による主張の「現実化」、弾圧といった背景の下に行われた点を指摘する。さらに党の小市民的要素の拡大が、三五年以降一挙に党勢を伸張させる一要因になった反面、国家社会主義的本部方針の受容を容易にした点を、三名の小市民層党員の特徴を例に明らかにする。
The leading faction of the Social People's Party (Shakai Taisyu To) led by chief secretary Aso Hisashi did much to further national socialization. After the Sino-Japanese War began, the party became one of the organizations to cooperate in the wartime system. Before the war, however, national socialization had not uniformly penetrated all factions. In this article, I first reveal a gap between the leading group and the Osaka Alliance, which had the largest number of supporters of all prefectures, especially concerning the Policy for the Contstruction of the Transition Period (Tenkanki Kensetsu Seisaku) in 1933, the evaluation of the pamphlet published by the army in 1934, the opinion of the coup d'etat on the 26th of February in 1936 (2. 26 jiken), and the attitude towards the people's front in 1936. Next, I point out several reasons the members in Osaka accepted the national socialistic policy, for example, the decline of the party strength, the lean to the right of the labor union which had the strongest influence on the Osaka Alliance, and thirdly, the actualization of deliberations between local assemblymen, and the oppression by the authorities. Lastly, by showing the policies of the three members of the petit bourgeois, I point out the close connection between the expansion of the petit bourgeois and the national socialistic uniformity.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_73_390
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239081


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