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タイトル: <論説>前四世紀アテナイの親族関係 : イサイオスの法廷弁論を中心として
その他のタイトル: <Articles>Kinship in 4th century B. C. Athens : The speeches of Isaeus
著者: 栗原, 麻子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KURMARA, Asako
発行日: 1-Jul-1993
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 76
号: 4
開始ページ: 518
終了ページ: 552
抄録: 前四世紀アテナイの家は、民族であるゲノスや、国家の下部組織であるデーモス・フラトリア等の、父系集団に内包されていた。しかしその一方でアテナイにはアンキステイスと呼ばれるいとこの子(もしくはまたいとこ) までの法定の親族の範囲が定められており、これは共系の親族に等しく拡がっていた。家が個人の精神生活に果していた意義や、その人的紐帯としての特質をとらえるためには、このアンキステイスに代表される共系親族の紐帯もまた重要である。本稿では前四世紀前半のアテナイで活躍した法廷弁論家イサイオスの弁論から、そこにはたらいている家族の論理を取りだすことにより、この時代のアテナイにおいては親族の紐帯が単婚小家族を核としつつ緩やかに共系に拡がっていたこと、その背景には、血縁原理よりも友愛原理を優先することをよしとする親族通念があっただろうことが導かれる。
According to Aristotle (Pol., vol.1), the family was the smallest social unit of the polis. At the same time, it was, for an individual citizen, one of the most basic elements of his everyday life. In order to grasp the role of the family for an individual and the significance of familial ties within a certain society, such invisible aspects of kinship as the sense of rights and duties, affection, and daily interaction are naturally of great importance. In regards to Athens in the 4th cenrtury B. C., while even the average size of the family as a residential and economic unit still remains an open question, there was, as S. C. Humphreys has pointed out, also a loose kind of higher kinship solidarity. On the basis of a quantitative analysis of cooperation between kinsmen in court, she points out that: 1) nuclear family members had especially frequent connections ; 2) bilateral kinship solidarity can be recognized; and 3) connections through women were common and important. Following this the problem becomes the conceptual background that supported such a kinship structure. In this article I attempt to explain what common cencepts concerning kinship relations were shared by Athenians in the 4th century B. C. through an analysis of all of the surviving lawcourt speeches of Isaeus, who was an expert on family matters in particular. In the process of extracting explanations of attitudes toward kin, expections concerning affection toward kin, and the sense of obligation that existed between kin from the text of Isaeus's speeches, I have come to the following conclusions. A loose and optional kind of bilateral kinship existed by consensus during the 4th century B. C., one which permitted actual attitudes toward kin to be decided on the basis of affection rather than mandated by kinship obligations. This explains the apparent absense of any distinction between paternal and maternal kinship ties and also the important role played by women in creating kinship solidarity.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_76_518
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239230


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