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タイトル: <論説>八・九世紀の内裏任官儀と可任人歴名
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Ceremony of Appointment at the Imperial Palace (dairi ninkangi 内裏人官儀) and the List of Appointees (kaninjinrekimei 可任人歴名) in Eighth and Ninth century Japan
著者: 西本, 昌弘  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NISHIMOTO, Masahiro
発行日: 1-Mar-1995
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 78
号: 2
開始ページ: 249
終了ページ: 287
抄録: 八世紀の任官儀礼を復元する試みは、早川庄八氏の研究によって飛躍的に進展し、平安時代の任官文書の多くが八世紀にも存在したことが明らかにされた。しかし、早川氏が注目した「除目聞書」については、一〇世紀以前に遡るという確証がなく、正倉院に伝わる二つの官人歴名を「除目聞書」の先駆的文書とみる仮説には疑問がある。『西宮記』や『北山抄』には大間や清書(召名) とともに下名(おりな)なる任官文書がみえ、内裏任官儀で用いられた本来の下名には、参議以上を除く任人全員の名を記入したというので、正倉院の二つの官人歴名はこの下名に相当するものと考えられる。また、従来の研究では見逃されているが、『内裏式』や『儀式』には、南門外に参集した任人を可任人歴名(のちの下名) によって点検する唱計の儀や、親王の除目と臣下の除目とを区別して読み上げる唱名の儀など、きわめて古式の内裏任官儀が定められており、こうした任官式文を検討することによって、これまでとは異なる任官儀礼の変遷史が描き出せるように思われる。
The ceremony through which higher bureaucrats of the ancient court were appointed to office is called the ceremony of appointment, ninkangi 任官儀. With the aim of reconstructing the eighth-century version of this ceremony, Shohachi Hayakawa has done extensive work on the relevant texts, and has proved that many parts of the documents concerning the ceremony in the Heian era existed already in the Nara era. But there is no clear evidence. that the jimoku kikigaki 除目聞書 of which Haya- kawa took notice goes back before the tenth century. There is also some question as to the validity of his hypothesis that the two kanjin rekimei 官人歴名 of the eighth century in the Shosoin treasure storehouse 正倉院宝庫 can be seen as precedents for the jimoku kikigaki. As the original orina ninkan monjo 下名任官文書 used in the ceremony is thought to have listed all names of appointees except the sangi 参議, the two kanjin rekimei in the Shosoin should correspond to this orina. Almost all the former research has overlooked, however, the face that the Dairi Shiki 内裏式 and Gishiki 儀式 prescribed the extremely ancient dairi ninkangi 内裏任官儀 such as the shokei no gi 唱計の儀 and the shomei no gi 唱名の儀. During the former ritual, apointees gathering outside the South Gate of the dairi 内裏 were checked by kaninjinrekimei 可任人歴名 (a list of appointees)--afterward called orina. In the later ritual, the jimoku of Imperial prices and those of the retainers were read aloud separately. These rituals should prove valuable to any effort to reconstruct the ninkangi of the eighth century. Reexamination of those documents from the eighth century makes two facts clear : 1) the way in which appointees were announced by reading the jimoku in a loud voice in front of them (in the presence of the Emperor) goes back to the beginning of the eighth century, right after the enforcement of Taihoryo大宝令 ; 2) the ceremony of ninkangi in the court and shokei no gi in connection with it goes back to at least as early as the middle of the eighth century." According to the accepted theory, most of the court ceremonies had moved their ceremonial places from Chodoin 朝堂院 to the dairi in the early Heian era, and affairs of the state and ceremonies in the eighth century had kept strong traces of traditional oral communication. This paper, by contrast, focuses on the reading of texts aloud rather than on oral traditions. Through the examination of ninkangi, the author shows that dairigi 内裏儀 traditions are older than the traditions contained in the chodogi 朝堂儀.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_78_249
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239317


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