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タイトル: <論説>八世紀前半におけるビザンツ皇帝選出のダイナミクス : 「混乱の時代」の皇帝たち
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Dynamics of the Election of the Byzantine Emperors in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries : The Emperors of the "Age of Anarchy"
著者: 小林, 功  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KOBAYASHI, Isao
発行日: 1-Jan-2003
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 86
号: 1
開始ページ: 71
終了ページ: 100
抄録: 七世紀末から八世紀初頭の約二〇年間、ビザンツ帝国は頻繁な政権交代と、それと密接に関連した内政の混乱に悩まされていた。このような「混乱の時代」に終止符を打ったのがレオン三世である。本稿では「混乱の時代」からレオン三世への政権交代期の皇帝選出のダイナミクスを分析していく。従来こうした分析に際しては、テマなどの軍の影響力が重視されてきた。だが本稿での検討から、地方に拠点を置くテマ=軍のみならず、中央政府の要職を占めていた人々の動向も無視することができなかったことが明らかとなる。レオン三世は、「混乱の時代」の皇帝たちが果たせなかった、地方と中央の双方の支持を集めることに成功し、それがレオン三世が長期にわたって帝位を維持できた要因となったのである。
For a period of about twenty years, from the end of the seventh century to the beginning of the eighth century (695-717), the Byzantine Empire experienced great confusion in its internal affairs: rebellions and conspiracies against emperors occurred frequently, and all emperors during the period were deposed violently. It was not until the accession of Leo III (717-41) that this "Age of Anarchy" was brought to an end. This study analyzes the dynamics of the election of emperors during the "Age of Anarchy" and the first years of Leo III's reign. A number of Byzantinists have previously given consideration to the influence of the theme, corps of the Byzantine army, in the elections during this period. Considerable attention has also been paid to the actions of the Theme of Opsikion, which was stationed near Constantinople, and to the significance of it being an Imperial Guard directly attached to the throne. Indeed, we cannot ignore the actions of the theme in examining the political circumstances of the empire during this period. But we must focus not only on the theme stationed in the countryside, but also the high-ranking civil officials in Constantinople. For example, when Artemius, the Protasekretis (minister of the imperial secretary) was crowned and renamed Anastasius II (713-15), he acquired the support of the officials of Constantinople and the demes, factions of the circus, which were under the influence of the high-ranking officials. However, the theme scarcely played a significant role in this coup d'etat. Throughout Anastasius II's reign, the relations between the emperor and the various theme, especially the Theme of Opsikion, were strained. For this reason, the Theme of Opsikion revolted against him in 715 and made Theodosius III (715-17) the new emperor. Theodosius III, however, failed to gain the support of the central administration and those theme, other than the Opsikion. Due in part to this failure, he was deposed. In this way, all emperors during the "Age of Anarchy" failed to obtain the support of either the theme or the central administration, or both. On the other hand, Leo III succeeded in acquiring the support of both. He was an experienced general and he had been a strategos (military governor of a theme), of Anatolikon before his succession. In addition, many high-ranking officials of the central administration supported him; many of whom had supported Anastasius II in 713. The reason high-ranking officials approved of Leo III can be attributed to his early career. He had been appointed strategos of Anatolikon by Anastasius II and had revolted against Theodosius III shortly after Anastasius II was deposed. Leo III is likely to have had a close relationship with Anastasius II, who had also sought to build a close relationship with the ablest general in order to gain the support of the theme. For this reason, many high-ranking officials of the central administration supported him in 717. In conclusion, this thesis argues that it was necessary to gain the support of both the central administration and the theme in the countryside in order to maintain the rank of emperor during this period. Leo III succeeded in this, and for this reason, he was able to maintain his place on the throne for over twenty years.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_86_71
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239732


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