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タイトル: <論説>ウマイヤ朝におけるエジプト総督人事とカリフへの集権
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Personnel of the Governorship of Egypt and the Centralization of Power by the Caliphs under the Umayyads
著者: 横内, 吾郎  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YOKOUCHI, Goro
発行日: 1-Jul-2005
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 88
号: 4
開始ページ: 576
終了ページ: 603
抄録: エジプトは第二次内乱期の非常に早い段階においてマルワーン家によって支配が回復され、その統治はカリフ・アブド・アルマリクの弟アブド・アルアズィーズに委ねられた。彼はワリー・アルアフドであり、総督として王朝への貢献も大きく、強大な権力を保持した。一方で、エジプトは旧来の西方征服の拠点であったが、征服が進展し、その拠点がエジプト西方のイフリーキヤ地方に移動したことで、その軍事的意義を薄めていった。このために、マルワーン家のカリフたちはエジプトに求心力を有する総督を必要としなくなり、アブド・アルアズィーズの死後、総督の職掌を分割してその権力を制限し、自らの意の通じるマワーリーを「租税」職に任用して州の財政に介入した。その後この職掌分割体制は、エジプトが深刻な戦乱に見舞われなかったこともあるが、カリフの交替によっても覆されることなく王朝の滅亡まで維持された。
In this paper, I discuss the shifts in the personnel of the governorship of Egypt and the relation between the governors and the caliphs during the reign of the Marwanids (a branch family of the Umayyads). Rule over Egypt was restored by the Marwanids in the very early phase of the second civil war, and was entrusted to 'Abd al-'Aziz, the son of the 4th caliph, Marwan I, and the brother of the 5th caliph, 'Abd al-Malik. Because of his position as the heir-apparent and his contribution to the caliphate, 'Abd al-'Aziz had great power. The caliph 'Abd al-Malik, who is famous for his policies of centralization, could not control his young brother as he pleased. Meanwhile, after its conquer, Egypt became the base from which the Arabs departed westward for the conquest. When the conquest of Ifriqiya (Tunisia) was accomplished in the reign of 'Abd al-'Aziz, the military significance of Egypt was reduced. The Marwanids' caliphs thus considered that governors of Egypt had no need of power, and after 'Abd al-'Aziz's death, their power was restricted with the division of the governor's duties into the areas of "prayer" and "taxation." Moreover, by appointing their mawali to the role of overseeing "taxation, " the caliphs intervened in the financial affairs of Egypt. This division continued until the last of the Umayyads. It is noteworthy that once caliph al-Walid I introduced the division into the governor's role, the framework of the personnel of Egypt was never again overturned under the Umayyads.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_88_576
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239860


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