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dc.contributor.author高田, 良太ja
dc.contributor.alternativeTAKADA, Ryotaen
dc.contributor.transcriptionタカダ, リョウタja-Kana
dc.description.abstractAs the result of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the Republic of Venice took possession of the Island of Crete, where Venetian dominion continued for more than four and half centuries, until the Ottoman Empire conquered the Island in 1669. This paper aims at clarifying the social structure of Venetian Crete. F.Thiriet, an authority on the history of Venetian Romania, proposed a social model for Crete in his monograph published in 1959. He proposed that there would have existed two secular ethnic communities, "Greeks" and "Latins, " socially stratified and composed of communities of believers of two autonomous churches, the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. In this paper I refer to a secular community of believers, as a "church community, " and the framework of Thiriet's social model as the "church-community model." Recently, some scholars have tried to revise his social model. Ch. Maltezou, for one, has criticized the theoretical framework of the church-community model. One of her objections has been that the church-community model lacks an understanding of the fact that both the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church came to enjoy autonomy as a result of the political process of the formation of the dual church system under the Commune of Crete. She also suggested that the church-community model was removed from social reality. This point was reinforced by S. McKee, a social historian, who verified the relationship between the church communities and the ethnic communities, by a prosopographical study based on testaments, concluding that the church-community model was dubious. According to the criticism of Maltezou this article aims to solve three problems concerning the dual church system, and makes some modifications to the church-community model. The first problem is that Thiriet did not clarify the political process of the formation of the dual church system. Actually, the autonomy of the Orthodox Church was assured by the Commune, as the result of the disputes between the Roman Catholic Church and the Commune of Crete that lasted for more than 60 years after Pope Clemens IV had intervened in the problem of the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church in Crete in 1260's. The second problem is that many scholars have failed to address the practical activity of the clergies. As testators, papas (a priest of Orthodox Church) often left testaments in notarial records. I examine whether the Roman Catholic Church ever intervened in these testaments concerning the succession of the priesthood of papas, and the church administrated by papas. The third problem is that McKee did not make clear whether the church communities corresponded to the social order of the urban society, which was separated into nobles and cittadini (urban commoners). In fact, the class of cittadini encompassed the two church communities, and many nobles bequeathed to Orthodox Churches, while paying respect to the Catholic. By considering these problems, I have confirmed the fact that the dual church system was defined by the statutes of the Commune. And in this process, the legal status of the church communities is not a point of dispute. This fact casts doubt on the church-community model that uncritically links the dual church system with the secular world. Church communities did exist in society, but did not correspond with the social order. In this way, the two church communities were well integrated, and the ethnic groups hypothesized by the church-community model did not exist legally or socially, at least, in the urban society of Crete in the fourteenth century.en
dc.publisher史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)ja
dc.publisher.alternativeTHE SHIGAKU KENKYUKAI (The Society of Historical Research), Kyoto Universityen
dc.title.alternative<Articles>Churches and Communities in Late Medieval Creteen
dc.typejournal article-
dc.type.niitypeJournal Article-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeTHE SHIRIN or the JOURNAL OF HISTORYen


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