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タイトル: <論説>ムザッファル朝における支配の正統性 : Mubariz al-Din Muhammad 治世の政策の変遷
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Legitimacy of the Rule of the Muzaffarids : Changes in Policy during the Reign of Mubariz al-Din Muhammad
著者: 杉山, 雅樹  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SUGIYAMA, Masaki
発行日: 1-Sep-2006
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 89
号: 5
開始ページ: 714
終了ページ: 742
抄録: イル・ハーン朝末期、ヤズドの支配権を授与されたムザッファル朝の創始者 Mubariz al-Din Muhammad は、Abu Sa id 死後の混乱期において、ヤズドの有力者であるニザーム家に関わる人々を経済的保護によって優遇し、ケルマーン地方進出以降には、ウラマーの側も積極的に王朝の支配を支持する姿勢をとるようになる。こうして Mubariz al-Din は徐々に支配に対する都市住民の支持を獲得したが、シーラーズ征服後、さらなる遠征を前にして、新たに支配領域に組み込んだファールス地方に対し、これまで以上に支配者としての立場を明確にする必要に迫られた。このため、カイロのアッバース朝カリフに対するバイアを行い、その後世俗権力者「スルタン」としての地位とカリフの持つ宗教的権限をも主張するようになった。こうした支配者としての権威の変遷は、モンゴルの影響が急速に薄れていくイランにおいて、新たなる君主像が生まれつつあったことを示しているといえよう。
After the death of the last de facto Il Khan, Aba Said, in 1335, influential Mongol amirs seated descendants of Chingiz Khan as puppet rulers in a struggle for power. At first, local Iranian dynastic regimes, which had been established under the Il Khanid dynasty, recognized the authority of such puppet khans, but later denied the authority of the Mongols. Although a large number of studies have been made on how regional Iranian regimes won support for their rule, little research has been devoted to the Muzaffarids, one of the local regimes established during the Il Khanid period. Therefore, I wish to show in this study the process of the establishment of the legitimacy of the rule of Mubariz al-Din Muhammad, the founder of the dynasty. Muzaffar, the father of Mubariz al-Din, served several of the Il Khanid rulers, and was conferred the post of overseeing the roads (tutghaul) in Yazd district. After his father's death, Mubariz al-Din inherited the post and was then given the title of governor of Yazd by Aba Sa'id in 1318. Because the Muzaffarids were descended from an Arab family who had migrated to Yazd during the Mongol invasion, they had no relations with the people of Yazd. It seems likely that without the support of the Il Khan, Mubariz al-Din could not have attained legitimacy to rule Yazd from the first. After obtaining the right to rule in Yazd, Mubariz al-Din actively started to develop relations with powerful figures in Yazd, especially a family of the Sayyids known as the Nizam, giving them economic support in the form of appointments to offices. Moreover, as Mubariz al-Din conquered the Kirman district, the 'ulama came to play an important role when he made war or concluded peace with the nomadic tribes of Mongols in the district. In this way, we may say that he won the support of city dwellers for his own rule, but he made no effort to make outward display of his position as ruler at the time. After Mubariz al-Din captured Shiraz in 1353, he had to establish the legitimacy of his rule over the newly gained Fars district in order to further his military operations. Consequently, he chose to swear an oath of loyalty (bay'a) to the 'Abbasid Caliph in Cairo. Thereafter, Mubariz al-Din came to assert not only his status as secular ruler, Sultan, but the authority of a religious leader as well. Judging from the changes policy during the reign of Mubariz al-Din, it appears that both secular power and religious authority were required by a ruler in order to establish the legitimacy of rule in Iran where the authority of the Chingizid had rapidly faded.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_89_714
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239919


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