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タイトル: <論説>叡山文庫所蔵の『事林広記』写本について
その他のタイトル: <Articles>On the Manuscript of the Shilinguangji in Eizan Bunko Collection
著者: 宮, 紀子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MIYA, Noriko
発行日: 31-May-2008
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 91
号: 3
開始ページ: 455
終了ページ: 495
抄録: 『事林広記』は、南宋末期に陳元[セイ]が編んだ『博聞録』を下敷きに、大元ウルスから明代にかけて、改訂版が絶えず出された絵入りの百科事典である。朝鮮半島や日本でも王侯貴族、官僚、僧侶等に愛用され、時代と地域を超え共通の文化を育むのに役立った。いくつもの版本が伝来するが、さいきん、京都五山の禅僧の手を経て対馬藩の宗家にもたらされ、朝鮮通信使との外交の場で用いられていたと思しき元刊本が出現した。それは、どのテキストの内容よりも古く、南宋、金朝治下の官僚制度や朝廷の儀礼に関する図、解説、いまは散逸して伝わらない『泰和律令』や『至元大典』の一部等を収録していた。さらに今回、この貴重な元刊本の欠落箇所をほぼすべて補う写本が、天台宗の典籍を集積する叡山文庫から見つかった。その結果、世祖クビライ時代の官僚制度や政体、ひいてはこれまで使用に供されてきたさまざまな一次資料に対する認識は、大きな変更を迫られることとなった。
The Shiliguangji 事林広記 is an illustrated encyclopedia that was compiled during the period of the rule of the Daion yeke Mongol ulus. It was based on the Bowenlu 博聞録 of Chen Yuanjing 陳元靚, which had been compiled during the last of the Southern Song in the farmed publishing center of Jian'an 建安 in Fujian 福建. Revised editions of the work continued to be published down to the Ming dynasty era. The encyclopedia was widely employed by aristocrats, bureaucrats, and Buddhist priest on the Korean peninsula and in Japan. It played an important role in fostering a common culture that transcended historical periods and geographic boundaries. Several editions are extant, but recently the existence of Yuan-era printed edition, that seems to have passed through the hands of Zen priests of the Gozan temples in Kyoto and then to have been possessed by the So 宗 family, the rulers of the Tsushima 対馬 domain, and used in diplomatic relations with the embassies from Joseon, has been confirmed. The contents are older than any other edition, and it contains diagrams and explanations of rites conducted at the imperial court and the bureaucratic system of Southern Song and Jin dynasties as well as excerpts from the lost Taiheluling 泰和律令 and Zhiyuandadian 至元大典. But now, a manuscript version that supplements nearly all the lacunae in the printed text has been discovered at Eizan Bunko, the collection of Tendai scripture at Omi-Sakamoto in Shiga Prefecture. The book was once owned by the Eshin-in cloister at Hieizan Enryakuji temple. As a result of the discovery of this manuscript, there is now a great impetus to revise our understanding of the political and bureaucratic system of the founder Shizu 世祖 Khubilai and even basic sources such as the Yuandianzhang 元典章 and the Yuanshi 元史. This study collates the texts and provides the complete text of one fascicle that is devoted to the particularly important bureaucratic system in order that the text be available for use in the future. It includes a chart showing the titles and ranks of regional officials throughout northern China from a period earlier than the Yuandianzhang, from Khubilai accession to the Khanate to the absorption of the Southern Song. In addition, by comparing various sources, I demonstrate that the honorary titles that paralleled the bureaucratic hierarchy and the establishment of regional offices during the period followed the system of the Jin dynasty.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_91_455
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240009


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