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タイトル: <論説>近世真宗優勢地帯における浄土宗の思想的機能 : 鯨回向を手がかりに
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Ideological Role of Pure Land Buddhism in Regions where the True Pure Land Sect Dominated in the Early Modern Period : The Case of the Memorial Service for Whales
著者: 上野, 大輔  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: UENO, Daisuke
発行日: 30-Sep-2008
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 91
号: 5
開始ページ: 815
終了ページ: 846
抄録: 本稿は、長州前大津宰判地域の真宗と浄土宗を主たる対象とし、近世社会に構造化された仏教が担った社会的機能について、思想面を中心に具体的な検討を試みたものである。寺院率・檀家率や各種行事等を通じて、近世後期の当地域は真宗優勢地帯であったことが分かるが、それは一六世紀半ば以降の真宗の本格的波及と、地域の門徒集団を一主体とする地縁的寺檀関係の形成を経た姿である。一方、寛文・延宝年間以降の網捕り捕鯨の発達を受けつつ、通浦では浄土宗向岸寺讃誉により鯨回向が執行され、元禄年間以降、位牌・墓・戒名・過去帳を伴う独自の供養形態が成立した。鯨回向は瀬戸崎浦にも普及し、大日比浦では讃誉を住職として浄土宗西円寺が建立された。こうして通・大日比・瀬戸崎浦を中心とする地域では、浄土宗も民衆的基盤をもって存立したが、同宗は、真宗では代替不可能な回向を行使することで、殺生の罪悪に対処する独自の思想的機能を担っていた。
In this paper I examine the Pure Land (Jodoshu) and True Pure Land (Jodo Shinshu) sects in Choshu Mae Otsu-Saihan 長州前大津宰判 region and evaluate their ideological function as a Buddhist component supporting early modern society. We know that the Jodo Shinshu held sway in this area on the basis of the percentage of temples, believers, and the variety of religious rites conducted therein. This was due to the spread of the Shin sect after the middle of the 16th century and the formation of a bond of unity developed between groups of adherents and their local temples. In the Kayoi-Ura 通浦 area, which is part of the Choshu Mae Otsu-Saihan region, net whaling developed after the latter half of 17th century, and San'yo 讃誉, a priest of Koganji 向岸寺, a Jodo sect temple, instituted a memorial service for whales. From about the 1690s, this memorial service took on a unique style with mortuary tablets, tombs, posthumous Buddhist names, and death registers offered for the whales. A memorial service for whales was also held in Setozaki-Ura 瀬戸崎浦, an area also within the Choshu Mae Otsu-Saihan region. In addition, the Jodo temple Saienji 西円寺 was erected in Ohibi-Ura 大日比浦, another area in Choshu Mae-Otsu-Saihan, and San'yo became the first chief priest. The Jodo sect had a popular following in these areas. And the memorial services of the Jodo sect played a ideological role that the Shin sect could not play. This role was to absolve the people who made their livelihood by killing whales and other creatures.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_91_815
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240029


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