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タイトル: <論説>崇寧五年正月の政変 : 対遼交渉をめぐる徽宗と蔡京の対立
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Political Upheaval of the First Month of the Fifth Year of the Chongning Era : The Confrontation of Huizong and Cai Jing over Negotiations with Liao
著者: 藤本, 猛  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FUJLMOTO, Takeshi
発行日: 30-Nov-2009
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 92
号: 6
開始ページ: 985
終了ページ: 1016
抄録: これまで政治的主体性が乏しいとされてきた徽宗だが、即位初年の政治状況からは通説とは違う姿が浮かび上がる。徽宗朝初年に中道路線をとったとされる向太后は、逆に新法派の蔡京と強く結んでおり、むしろその死後中道路線を選んだのは親政を始めた徽宗だった。しかし宰相に迎えた曽布の態度に業を煮やし、徽宗は新法路線と蔡京を選び直す。これが蔡京の第一次当国だが、対西夏戦略に介入してきた遼への対応をめぐって両者の意見が分かれた。土地返還を飲んで無難な宥和策をとるよう指示した徽宗に反し、蔡京は故意に遼との交渉を決裂させようとした。こうして宋遼関係が緊張する中発生したのが崇寧五年正月の政変で、蔡京は罷免された。次いで宰相とされた趙挺之は徽宗の宥和策を堅持し、遼との交渉は無事妥結する。これまでこの政変は暗愚な徽宗が単に天災におびえて起こしたものとされてきたが、実はその背景に外交政策をめぐる争いが存在していたのだった。
Emperor Huizong 徽宗 ascended the throne in the third year of the Yuanfu era (1100), but the power behind the throne was the Empress Dowager Xiang 向太后. It has been claimed that Xiang used both the New Policies faction and the opposing Old Policy faction in equal measure, charting a middle course between the two parties at this time. However, as other members of the more radical wing of the New Policies faction fell one after another, Empress Dowager Xiang continued to support Cai Jing 蔡京 who thus remained at the center of power, Cai Jing had previously built up a personal relationship with the family of Xiang during the reign of Emperor Zhezong 哲宗. Empress Dowager Xiang employed Cai Jing, eunuchs, and maternal relations to maintain her unofficial power. Although she has been judged as not having been very aggressively involved in political affairs, she was in fact strongly politically motivated. Given the continuous opposition from the censors and remonstrators, her influence decreased precipitously and Cai Jing was demoted. Huizong whose rule was inaugurated in the first year of the Jianzhongjingguo era (1101) made clear his intention of both carrying on the policies of Emperor Shenzong 神宗and of conducting political affairs through a deliberate melding of the policies of the New Policies and Old Policy factions. However, during this period Zeng Bu 曽布, who had been appointed grand councilor, was consumed by a constant and strident political feud with his rival Li Qingchen 李清臣, and Huizong gradually became estranged from Zeng Bu, abandoned the middle course, and switched to the implementation of the radical policy of the New Policies faction. He selected Cai Jing to carry out these policies. With Huizong's support, Cai Jing assumed the post of grand councilor and created the Yuanyou dangji inscription 元祐党籍碑in order to remove his rivals Zeng Bu, Zhao Tingzhi 趙挺之and the Yuanyou faction. Thereafter he forcefully implemented the ideas of the New Policies faction. However, with the appearance of a comet in the first month of the fifth year of the Chongning era (1106), which was seen as an inauspicious omen, the Cai Jing administration suddenly collapsed. Heretofore, it has been thought that Huizong dismissed Cai Jing without reasonable cause and reversed policy out of fear engendered by the celestial event. However, a constant political agency can be detected in Huizong from the time of his enthronement, and Huizong was the chief actor in the upheaval that was carried out in a manner not to draw the attention of Cai Jing. Song had actually entered into negotiations with Liao over relations with Western Xia in the previous year. Cai Jing's regime in the name of Huizong's court had assumed a hard-line towards Western Xia and obtained a considerable expanse of territory. Under pressure, Western Xia sought the intervention of Liao. Liao then dispatched an embassy to Song, requesting that peace be concluded with Western Xia and the territory that had been obtained be returned. In contrast to Huizong's conciliatory policy of returning the territory and the concluding matters peacefully, Cai Jing for whatever reason advocated a hard line and attempted to force a rupture of the negotiations. As a result, Liao also hardened its stance, and relations with Song became increasingly strained. Relations with Liao were of course of prime importance for the state of Song and a single misstep could bring about disaster. Since the opinions of the emperor and chief councilor were at odds over foreign policy, the situation was grave. The political upheaval of the first month of the fifth year of the Chongning era occurred precisely at this time. Cai Jing was dismissed and Zhao Tingzhi, who proclaimed a conciliatory policy toward Liao, was appointed grand councilor. Another embassy from Liao arrived in this year and once again assumed a hard-line stance in negotiations and deployed troops along the common border. In response Huizong and Zhao Tingzhi adopted a patient strategy, made concessions and concluded negotiations peacefully. Because it appeared superficially that Liao's demands were accepted, the Cai Jing faction in the government clamored that war could not be avoided. Huizong and Zhao Tingzhi suppressed them to conduct the negotiations. If Cai Jing had remained grand councilor, strained relations with Liao would probably have been driven to the breaking point. This negative outcome was circumvented by the political upheaval of the first month of the fifth year of the Chongning era. Due to a biased view of Huizong, he has not been recognized as an aggressive political actor, and the political upheaval of the first month of the fifth year of the Chongning era has been seen as having been instigated groundlessly out of Huizong's fear inspired by the appearance of a comet. However, this event occurred amidst negotiations with Liao and there was clearly a difference of opinion between Huizong and Cai Jing on the proper policy to be adopted. Thus, it is clear that behind this political upheaval were high-level political intrigues.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_92_985
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240102


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