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タイトル: <論説>ムスリム同胞団創設者ハサン・バンナーの「行動の思想」 (特集 : 祈り)
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The "Thought into Action" of Hasan al-Banna the Founder ef the Muslim Brotherhood (Special Issue : PRAYER)
著者: 横田, 貴之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YOKOTA, Takayuki
発行日: 31-Jan-2015
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 98
号: 1
開始ページ: 172
終了ページ: 201
抄録: 本稿では、ムスリム同胞団の創設者・初代最高指導者であるハサン・バンナーの論考集の分析を通じて、彼が同胞団メンバーの個人的な信伽心をいかにして組織活動へ転化したのかを論究した。そこで明らかになったのは、バンナーが当時の社会状況に応じた「行動の思想」を新たに構築したことであった。バンナーの思想では、イスラーム世界が直面する諸問題を解決するために、イスラームの教えに基づく改革が必要とされた。そのために個人の信仰が基礎として位置付けられ、それを行動として実践する必要性が主張された。それは、個人から始まり、家族、社会、政府、イスラーム世界へ漸進的に進められるものであった。そして、行動を実践に移すための場として、同胞団が人々に提示された。バンナーの思想的特徴は、段階主義、行動主義、包括主義であり、それは信仰心を行動へ方向付ける思想、行動を実践させるための思想であった。
The goal of this article is to employ an analysis of the thought of Hasan al- Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, to deal exhaustively with how he attempted to transform the faith (iman) of the members of the Brotherhood into action on behalf of the organization. In this article, I locate the significance of the worship in the hearts of Muslims, including prayers to Allah, as confirmation of faith, and examine the link between the personal faith and group action in the thought of al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood is known as Egypt's largest Islamist movement. It was formed in 1928 by al-Banna with the goals of reforming society on an Islamic basis and establishing an Islamic state, and al-Banna served actively as its first Supreme Guide. The Brotherhood grew quickly during the first half of the 20th century. In the late 1940s there were 500, 000 members and an equal number of supporters out of a total population of 20 million, making it the nation's largest Islamist movement with approximately 2, 000 branches. Al-Banna remained active as the founder and Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood until his death. His thought became the guiding principles for the activities of the organization at the time and was the theoretical support of its rapid growth. It has been pointed out that the theoretical importance of al-Banna is the fact that his thought, which was based on that of the al-Manar group of Islamic revivalists who were primarily from the intellectual elite, was constructed to put the Islamic revival into practice as an activist organization built on the people's interests. Al-Banna constructed his Islamic revivalist thought to be put into practice chiefly by ordinary members of the organization from the Islamic revivalist thought that had previously been the property of the intellectual elite, developing the Brotherhood into an organization with great power to mobilize its membership. Given the strength of his theoretical influence, al-Banna has been recognized as an important figure in present-day Islamic political thought and movements. Likewise, in today's Muslim Brotherhood, al-Banna's thought is emphasized as the guiding principle of the organization. It can be rightly claimed that in order to understand the Brotherhood, it is still necessary to understand the thought of al-Banna. However, reviewing the scholarship, one sees there have been few studies concerned with al-Banna despite his importance. This article attempts an examination of his thought in order to fill this gap. In this article, I employ the Majimu'a Rasa'il al-Imam al-Shahid Hasan al-Banna, a collection in twenty volumes of al-Banna's theoretical works as my main source. The work was compiled after his death mainly from speeches and pamphlets composed in al-Banna's lifetime for members of the Brotherhood. Based on these works, I exhaustively examine how al- Banna linked the faith of the members to action on behalf of the organization. What has become clear through these arguments is that al-Banna's newly constructed thought was based on that of the al-Manar faction, that it was to be put into practice according to contemporary social conditions, and that it was intended for the operation of the Brotherhood. In other words, in al- Banna's thought, reform based on Islamic teachings was necessary for a solution to the problems that faced the Islamic world. Then, to that end, individual faith was to be made the foundation for everything and he argued the necessity of propelling it into practical action. This began with the individual and progressed in stages to the family, society, government and the Islamic world. Then, the Muslim Brotherhood, as the site to propel action into a practical form, proposed a variety of activities to be developed in contemporary Egyptian society. I have explained the gradualist, activist and totalizing beliefs that characterize al-Banna's thought, and this thought was one to propel faith into action and action into practical effect. It can surely be surmised that the ability of the Muslim Brotherhood to construct this thought in the first half of the 20th century was a cause of the development of the Brotherhood as the Egypt's largest Islamist movement.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_98_172
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240393


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