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dc.contributor.author山岸, 常人ja
dc.contributor.alternativeYAMAGISHI, Tsunetoen
dc.contributor.transcriptionヤマギシ, ツネトja-Kana
dc.description.abstractAccompanying the creation of the system of government shrines during the reign of Tenmu, the Ritsuryo state's system of Kami worship was also established and shrine structures began to be maintained. However, this does not signify that shrine architecture spread uniformly throughout the country following the latter half of the seventh century. When and by what process did shrine architecture spread throughout the country under the government-shrine system? Through an examination of the actual state of shrine structures as seen in national histories and the forms of architecture as seen in archaeological sites, I examined and the gradual process of the construction of a style of shrine architecture that became fixed in the late Heian period and the process of the winnowing this type out of the multiplicity of shrine architecture. I specifically clarified the following points. First, in tracing the change in the number of shrines from the eighth to ninth century, I demonstrated that the numbers increased over time. Conversely, I point out that only a small number of shrines among those of the five capital provinces and seven circuits are seen in the national histories of the eighth century. Furthermore, I investigated the policy of repairing and maintaining the cleanliness of the shrines from the eighth through the tenth century. As indicated in previous studies, the state continuously ordered shrines throughout the country to build, maintain and repair shrine architecture and maintain their purity. Judging from the aforementioned estimate of the number of shrines, it can be surmised that the number of shrines that were the object of such orders was limited to a few, and it appears, on the basis of their repeated issuance, that the contents of these orders was not immediately adopted nor implemented by the shrines. This means that architectural structures had not completely spread to regional shrines and that governors and local religious organizations that had responsibility for building and maintaining structures were not functioning fully. In addition, one also sees cases of previously built shrine structures not being sufficiently maintained and ceasing to exist. Next, I sought examples in historical sources that would confirm the actual state of shrine architecture. At shrines that were not influential to the state, specifically named shrine architecture first appeared in the middle of the ninth century, and in contrast, it is common to find cases where there was no shrine architecture, and when there was an effort to build a structure, it was frequently a Buddhist temple associated with a shrine. I also found the case of the natural scenery substituting for architecture because were no architectural structures, as can be seen in record of the case of deity of Kozushima in lzu from Jowa 7 (840). On the one hand, this is an example of a shrine without shrine architecture, but it also suggests the circumstances of the spread of architectural structures to a certain extend in the area of the shrine. In order to grasp the reality of architectural structures, about which knowledge from written sources is limited, I chose archaeological remains that had a high probability of being those of shrine architecture from archaeological surveys, and examined them to recreate the architectural form. In addition, I took examples from written records such as the eleventh-century Kozuke no kuni kotai jitsuroku cho from which one can learn the actual form of the architecture, and I pointed out the fact that there was no fixed form for the main honden, and there were honden among them that appeared to be modeled on the archaic style of architectural forms from prior to the seventh century. This differs from the situation of extant shrine architecture from the medieval period onward that is concentrated in either the nagarezukuri or Kasuga-zukuri styles, and thus the prior to the eleventh century the form of shrine architecture had not been formalized. The fact that theNenju gyoji emaki, which is thought to be from the mid-twelfth century, depicts only the nagarezukuri or kasuga-zukuri styles, indicates that the style of the shrine honden had by then become uniform, and I hypothesize that the formalization of the honden style was linked to the formation of the system of shrine officials that occurred at the same time. The establishment of government shrine system did not immediately bring about the construction of a fixed style of shrine honden that spread throughout the country in a uniform manner. This article has elucidated concrete aspects of this fact.en
dc.publisher史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)ja
dc.publisher.alternativeTHE SHIGAKU KENKYUKAI (The Society of Historical Research), Kyoto Universityen
dc.title<論説>神社建築の形成過程 : 平安時代前期・中期を中心にja
dc.title.alternative<Articles>The Formative Process of Shrine Architecture, Focusing Chiefly on the Early and the Middle Heian Perioden
dc.typejournal article-
dc.type.niitypeJournal Article-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeTHE SHIRIN or the JOURNAL OF HISTORYen


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