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Title: <研究論文(原著論文)>毒を飲むことは合理的か
Authors: 佐藤, 広大  KAKEN_name
Keywords: 毒パズル
Issue Date: 19-Apr-2019
Publisher: 応用哲学会
Journal title: Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
Volume: 10
Start page: 51
End page: 65
Abstract: Gregory Kavka's toxin puzzle is a famous thought experiment. In my view, this puzzle consists of several questions. Among them, I deal with the one question: is it rational to drink the toxin? I reply that, in the toxin puzzle, it is rational to form a belief that drinking the toxin is rational. This reply is based on the idea that an agent who thinks moderately is rational. This idea is in contrast with the traditional dogma that the more an agent thinks, the more rational the agent becomes. In order to insist so, I explain the content of the toxin puzzle (section 2), and introduce arguments against and for insisting that it is rational to drink the toxin (section 3). My argument for insisting that they are rational agents who form a belief that drinking the toxin is rational is based on Richard Holton's argument. He insists that it is a rational disposition not to rethink the intention to drink the toxin in the toxin puzzle. Instead, I insist that it is rational to form the belief that drinking the toxin is rational in the toxin puzzle. At least, I will suggest that the toxin puzzle is worth consideration.
DOI: 10.14989/240896
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