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タイトル: <Working Paper>Transformation of French Family Farming: from Diversity Study to Coexistence Analysis of Agricultural Models
著者: GASSELIN, Pierre
発行日: 25-Mar-2019
出版者: Natural Resource Economics Division Graduate School of Agriculture Kyoto University
誌名: The Natural Resource Economics Review
巻: special
開始ページ: 61
終了ページ: 73
抄録: Following to the presentation about the transformation of French family farming, this article aim at studying the concept of agricultural model and how it leads to discuss the stakes of coexistence and confrontation of different forms of agriculture. In the first part of my presentation, I shall expose the main features of French agriculture and its contemporary transformation. In the second part, I shall briefly compare some of the well-known analytical frameworks of forms of agriculture. In the third part, the concept of agricultural development model is introduced. And finally, I will explain why it could be relevant to consider the coexistence and confrontation of agricultural models.
記述: Special Issue for the Workshops on Study of Family-run Farming
著作権等: ©Natural Resource Economics Division, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240914
出現コレクション:Special Issue


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