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dc.contributor.authorSumitomo, Akikoen
dc.contributor.authorSiriwach, Ratklaoen
dc.contributor.authorThumkeo, Deanen
dc.contributor.authorIto, Kentaroen
dc.contributor.authorNakagawa, Ryotaen
dc.contributor.authorTanaka, Nobuoen
dc.contributor.authorTanabe, Koheien
dc.contributor.authorWatanabe, Akiraen
dc.contributor.authorKishibe, Marien
dc.contributor.authorIshida-Yamamoto, Akemien
dc.contributor.authorHonda, Tetsuyaen
dc.contributor.authorKabashima, Kenjien
dc.contributor.authorAoki, Junkenen
dc.contributor.authorNarumiya, Shuhen
dc.contributor.alternative住友, 明子ja
dc.contributor.alternativeタムケオ, ディーンja
dc.contributor.alternative田中, 信生ja
dc.contributor.alternative田邊, 滉平ja
dc.contributor.alternative渡辺, 亮ja
dc.contributor.alternative岸部, 麻里ja
dc.contributor.alternative山本, 明美ja
dc.contributor.alternative本田, 哲也ja
dc.contributor.alternative椛島, 健治ja
dc.contributor.alternative青木, 淳賢ja
dc.contributor.alternative成宮, 周ja
dc.descriptionヒト表皮細胞の分化と皮膚バリア機能の調節機構を解明 --アトピー性皮膚炎の新たな治療戦略へ向けて--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2018-11-16.ja
dc.description.abstractThe skin barrier protects our body from water loss, allergens and pathogens. Profilaggrin (proFLG) is produced by differentiated keratinocytes and is processed into FLG monomers. These monomers crosslink keratin filaments and are also decomposed to natural moisturizing factors in the stratum corneum for skin hydration and barrier function. Deficits in FLG expression impair skin barrier function and underlie skin diseases such as dry skin and atopic dermatitis (AD). However, intrinsic factors that regulate FLG expression and their mechanism of action remain unknown. Here, we show that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) induces FLG expression in human keratinocytes via the LPAR1 and LPAR5 receptors and the downstream RHO-ROCK-SRF pathway. Comprehensive gene profiling analysis further revealed that LPA not only induces FLG expression but also facilitates keratinocyte differentiation. Moreover, LPA treatment significantly upregulated FLG production in a three-dimensional culture model of human skin, and promoted barrier function in mouse skin in vivo. Thus, our work demonstrates a previously unsuspected role for LPA and its downstream signaling in the maintenance of skin homeostasis, which may serve as a novel therapeutic target for skin barrier dysfunction.en
dc.publisherElsevier BVen
dc.rights© 2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
dc.rightsThe full-text file will be made open to the public on 1 May 2020 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.en
dc.rightsThis is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.en
dc.titleLPA induces keratinocyte differentiation and promotes skin barrier function through the LPAR1/LPAR5-RHO-ROCK-SRF axisen
dc.typejournal article-
dc.type.niitypeJournal Article-
dc.identifier.jtitleJournal of Investigative Dermatologyen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine・Department of Drug Discovery Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine・Department of Drug Discovery Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressDepartment of Drug Discovery Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressCenter for iPS Cell Research, Kyoto Universityen
dc.addressDepartment of Dermatology, Asahikawa Medical University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressDepartment of Dermatology, Asahikawa Medical University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressDepartment of Dermatology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressDepartment of Dermatology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dc.addressGraduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Universityen
dc.addressCenter for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine・Department of Drug Discovery Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicineen
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
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