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タイトル: AN ALTERNATIVE PROOF OF KAZHDAN PROPERTY FOR ELEMENTARY GROUPS (Topology and Analysis of Discrete Groups and Hyperbolic Spaces)
著者: Mimura, Masato
著者名の別形: 見村, 万佐人
キーワード: Kazhdan's property (T)
elementary groups
発行日: Apr-2018
出版者: 京都大学数理解析研究所
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録
巻: 2062
開始ページ: 79
終了ページ: 87
抄録: In 2010, Invent. Math, , Ershov and Jaikin-Zapirain proved Kazh-dan's property (T) for elementary groups. This expository article focuses on presenting an alternative simpler proof. Unlike the original one, our proof supplies no estimate of Kazhdan constants. It may be regarded as a specific example of the results in the paper "Upgrading fixed points without bounded generation" (arXiv: 1505.06728, forthcoming version) by the author.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/241871
出現コレクション:2062 離散群と双曲空間のトポロジーと解析


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