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論叢論文8(山田).pdf本文118.42 kBAdobe PDF見る/開く
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タイトル: エンジニアのジレンマ
その他のタイトル: Engineer’s Dilemma
著者: 山田, 健二  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Yamada, Kenji
発行日: 1-Sep-2000
出版者: 京都大学哲学論叢刊行会
誌名: 哲学論叢
巻: 27
開始ページ: 88
終了ページ: 101
抄録: Engineers often experience some moral problems, and sometimes these problems appear as moral dilemmas. Engineer's dilemmas are typically conflicts between their obligation to their employer and their obligation to 'public'. I will discuss how to deal with such dilemmas. But there is no unambiguous procedure to solve them. Instead, I attempt to show that a better understanding of such dilemma's nature will help engineers behave more wisely than to select one of the alternatives of the given dilemma and then regret it. The point is that we should understand a dilemma not as given us as a ready-made, but as an outcome of some problem-solving activity at the morally problematic situation. A dilemma is itself already an attempted (invalid) solution and it is a product (wrongly) constructed by us ourselves. If so, what we should do at the dilemma is re-construct the situation originally experienced as problematic.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/24303


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