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タイトル: Arithmetic Milnor invariants and multiple power residue symbols in number fields: a précis (Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2014)
著者: Morishita, Masanori
著者名の別形: 森下, 昌紀
キーワード: 11R32
Pro-l Galois groups of link type
Arithmetic Milnor invariants
Multiple power residue symbols
Massey products
発行日: May-2017
出版者: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録別冊
巻: B64
開始ページ: 143
終了ページ: 152
抄録: This is a research announcement of my joint work with Fumiya Amano [AM] concerning a generalization of the Legendre, power residue symbols and the Rédei triple symbol. Such a generalization was firstly discussed by the author at the conference "Algebraic number theory and related topics (2000)" [Mo2]. Afterwards, a significant progress was made by Amano on the 4-tuple quadratic residue symbol over the rationals [A2], and now we are able to introduce n-tuple m-th power residue symbols for primes of a number field.
記述: "Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2014". December 1~5, 2014. edited by Takeshi Tsuji, Hiroki Takahashi and Yuichiro Hoshi. The papers presented in this volume of RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu are in final form and refereed.
著作権等: © 2017 by the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University. All rights reserved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/243667
出現コレクション:B64 Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2014


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