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タイトル: Triphenylboroxine and Triphenylborane as Anion Acceptors for Electrolyte in Fluoride Shuttle Batteries
著者: Konishi, Hiroaki
Minato, Taketoshi
Abe, Takeshi
Ogumi, Zempachi
著者名の別形: 小西, 宏明
湊, 丈俊
安部, 武志
小久見, 善八
キーワード: Fluoride shuttle battery
Anion acceptor
Bismuth fluoride
発行日: Nov-2018
出版者: Chemical Society of Japan
誌名: Chemistry Letters
巻: 47
号: 11
開始ページ: 1346
終了ページ: 1349
抄録: For liquid-based fluoride shuttle batteries, electrolyte composed of organic solvent and supporting electrolyte salt is developed. To increase the solubility of supporting electrolyte salt in organic solvent, anion acceptors (triphenylboroxine or triphenylborane) are added. The addition of anion acceptor greatly increases the solubility of supporting electrolyte salt, and discharge-charge reaction of BiF₃ electrode is confirmed in the prepared electrolytes. A supporting electrolyte salt (Cesium fluoride (CsF)) dissolves sparingly in an organic solvent (bis[2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl]ether (tetraglyme: G4)); however, the solubility of the CsF in the G4 is greatly increased by addition of an anion acceptor (triphenylboroxine or triphenylborane). Using the developed electrolyte for fluoride shuttle battery, discharge and charge reactions of a metal fluoride electrode can be progressed.
著作権等: © 2018 The Chemical Society of Japan.
Publisher permitted to deposit this accepted manuscript on this repository.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/243767
DOI(出版社版): 10.1246/cl.180573


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