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タイトル: The cytoplasmic C-terminal region of the ATP11C variant determines its localization at the polarized plasma membrane
著者: Takayama, Masahiro
Takatsu, Hiroyuki
Hamamoto, Asuka
Inoue, Hiroki
Naito, Tomoki
Nakayama, Kazuhisa  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7701-7183 (unconfirmed)
Shin, Hye Won
著者名の別形: 高山, 真裕
高津, 宏之
濵本, 明日香
井上, 寛己
内藤, 朋樹
中山, 和久
申, 惠媛
キーワード: Cell polarity
Membrane lipids
P-type ATPase
発行日: 2-Sep-2019
出版者: The Company of Biologists
誌名: Journal of Cell Science
巻: 132
論文番号: jcs231720
抄録: ATP11C, a member of the P4-ATPase family, is a major phosphatidylserine (PS)-flippase located at the plasma membrane. ATP11C deficiency causes a defect in B-cell maturation, anemia and hyperbilirubinemia. Although there are several alternatively spliced variants derived from the ATP11C gene, the functional differences between them have not been considered. Here, we compared and characterized three C-terminal spliced forms (we designated as ATP11C-a, ATP11C-b and ATP11C-c), with respect to their expression patterns in cell types and tissues, and their subcellular localizations. We had previously shown that the C-terminus of ATP11C-a is critical for endocytosis upon PKC activation. Here, we found that ATP11C-b and ATP11C-c did not undergo endocytosis upon PKC activation. Importantly, we also found that ATP11C-b localized to a limited region of the plasma membrane in polarized cells, whereas ATP11C-a was distributed on the entire plasma membrane in both polarized and non-polarized cells. Moreover, we successfully identified LLXY residues within the ATP11C-b C-terminus as a critical motif for the polarized localization. These results suggest that the ATP11C-b regulates PS distribution in distinct regions of the plasma membrane in polarized cells.
著作権等: © 2019. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd
The full-text file will be made open to the public on 2 September 2020 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/244232
DOI(出版社版): 10.1242/jcs.231720
PubMed ID: 31371488


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