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タイトル: Measurement of charm and bottom production from semileptonic hadron decays in p+p collisions at √s=200  GeV
著者: Aidala, C.
Akiba, Y.
Alfred, M.
Andrieux, V.
Apadula, N.
Asano, H.
Azmoun, B.
Babintsev, V.
Bandara, N. S.
Barish, K. N.
Bathe, S.
Bazilevsky, A.
Beaumier, M.
Belmont, R.
Berdnikov, A.
Berdnikov, Y.
Blau, D. S.
Bok, J. S.
Brooks, M. L.
Bryslawskyj, J.
Bumazhnov, V.
Campbell, S.
Canoa Roman, V.
Cervantes, R.
Chi, C. Y.
Chiu, M.
Choi, I. J.
Choi, J. B.
Citron, Z.
Connors, M.
Cronin, N.
Csanád, M.
Csörgő, T.
Danley, T. W.
Daugherity, M. S.
David, G.
DeBlasio, K.
Dehmelt, K.
Denisov, A.
Deshpande, A.
Desmond, E. J.
Dion, A.
Dixit, D.
Do, J. H.
Drees, A.
Drees, K. A.
Durham, J. M.
Durum, A.
Enokizono, A.
En’yo, H.
Esumi, S.
Fadem, B.
Fan, W.
Feege, N.
Fields, D. E.
Finger, M.
Finger, M.
Fokin, S. L.
Frantz, J. E.
Franz, A.
Frawley, A. D.
Fukuda, Y.
Gal, C.
Gallus, P.
Gamez, E. A.
Garg, P.
Ge, H.
Giordano, F.
Goto, Y.
Grau, N.
Greene, S. V.
Grosse Perdekamp, M.
Gunji, T.
Guragain, H.
Hachiya, T.
Haggerty, J. S.
Hahn, K. I.
Hamagaki, H.
Hamilton, H. F.
Han, S. Y.
Hanks, J.
Hasegawa, S.
Haseler, T. O. S.
He, X.
Hemmick, T. K.
Hill, J. C.
Hill, K.
Hodges, A.
Hollis, R. S.
Homma, K.
Hong, B.
Hoshino, T.
Hotvedt, N.
Huang, J.
Huang, S.
Imai, K.
Inaba, M.
Iordanova, A.
Isenhower, D.
Ishimaru, S.
Ivanishchev, D.
Jacak, B. V.
Jezghani, M.
Ji, Z.
Jiang, X.
Johnson, B. M.
Jouan, D.
Jumper, D. S.
Kang, J. H.
Kapukchyan, D.
Karthas, S.
Kawall, D.
Kazantsev, A. V.
Khachatryan, V.
Khanzadeev, A.
Kim, C.
Kim, E.-J.
Kim, M.
Kincses, D.
Kistenev, E.
Klatsky, J.
Kline, P.
Koblesky, T.
Kotov, D.
Kudo, S.
Kurgyis, B.
Kurita, K.
Kwon, Y.
Lajoie, J. G.
Lebedev, A.
Lee, S.
Lee, S. H.
Leitch, M. J.
Leung, Y. H.
Lewis, N. A.
Li, X.
Lim, S. H.
Liu, M. X.
Loggins, V.-R.
Lökös, S.
Lovasz, K.
Lynch, D.
Majoros, T.
Makdisi, Y. I.
Makek, M.
Manko, V. I.
Mannel, E.
McCumber, M.
McGaughey, P. L.
McGlinchey, D.
McKinney, C.
Mendoza, M.
Metzger, W. J.
Mignerey, A. C.
Milov, A.
Mishra, D. K.
Mitchell, J. T.
Mitrankov, Iu.
Mitsuka, G.
Miyasaka, S.
Mizuno, S.
Montuenga, P.
Moon, T.
Morrison, D. P.
Morrow, S. I.
Murakami, T.
Murata, J.
Nagai, K.
Nagashima, K.
Nagashima, T.
Nagle, J. L.
Nagy, M. I.
Nakagawa, I.
Nakano, K.
Nattrass, C.
Nelson, S.
Niida, T.
Nishitani, R.
Nouicer, R.
Novák, T.
Novitzky, N.
Nyanin, A. S.
O’Brien, E.
Ogilvie, C. A.
Orjuela Koop, J. D.
Osborn, J. D.
Oskarsson, A.
Ottino, G. J.
Ozawa, K.
Pantuev, V.
Papavassiliou, V.
Park, J. S.
Park, S.
Pate, S. F.
Patel, M.
Peng, W.
Perepelitsa, D. V.
Perera, G. D. N.
Peressounko, D. Yu.
PerezLara, C. E.
Perry, J.
Petti, R.
Phipps, M.
Pinkenburg, C.
Pisani, R. P.
Pun, A.
Purschke, M. L.
Radzevich, P. V.
Read, K. F.
Reynolds, D.
Riabov, V.
Riabov, Y.
Richford, D.
Rinn, T.
Rolnick, S. D.
Rosati, M.
Rowan, Z.
Runchey, J.
Safonov, A. S.
Sakaguchi, T.
Sako, H.
Samsonov, V.
Sarsour, M.
Sato, S.
Scarlett, C. Y.
Schaefer, B.
Schmoll, B. K.
Sedgwick, K.
Seidl, R.
Sen, A.
Seto, R.
Sexton, A.
Sharma, D.
Shein, I.
Shibata, T.-A.
Shigaki, K.
Shimomura, M.
Shioya, T.
Shukla, P.
Sickles, A.
Silva, C. L.
Silvermyr, D.
Singh, B. K.
Singh, C. P.
Singh, V.
Skoby, M. J.
Slunečka, M.
Smith, K. L.
Snowball, M.
Soltz, R. A.
Sondheim, W. E.
Sorensen, S. P.
Sourikova, I. V.
Stankus, P. W.
Stoll, S. P.
Sugitate, T.
Sukhanov, A.
Sumita, T.
Sun, J.
Sun, Z.
Suzuki, S.
Sziklai, J.
Tanida, K.
Tannenbaum, M. J.
Tarafdar, S.
Taranenko, A.
Tarnai, G.
Tieulent, R.
Timilsina, A.
Todoroki, T.
Tomášek, M.
Towell, C. L.
Towell, R. S.
Tserruya, I.
Ueda, Y.
Ujvari, B.
van Hecke, H. W.
Velkovska, J.
Virius, M.
Vrba, V.
Vukman, N.
Wang, X. R.
Wang, Z.
Watanabe, Y. S.
Wong, C. P.
Woody, C. L.
Xu, C.
Xu, Q.
Xue, L.
Yalcin, S.
Yamaguchi, Y. L.
Yamamoto, H.
Yanovich, A.
Yoo, J. H.
Yoon, I.
Yu, H.
Yushmanov, I. E.
Zajc, W. A.
Zelenski, A.
Zhai, Y.
Zharko, S.
Zou, L.
,  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: 村上, 哲也
発行日: 13-May-2019
出版者: American Physical Society (APS)
誌名: Physical Review D
巻: 99
論文番号: 092003
抄録: Measurements of the differential production of electrons from open-heavy-flavor hadrons with charm- and bottom-quark content in p+p collisions at √s=200 GeV are presented. The measurements proceed through displaced-vertex analyses of electron tracks from the semileptonic decay of charm and bottom hadrons using the PHENIX silicon-vertex detector. The relative contribution of electrons from bottom decays to inclusive heavy-flavor-electron production is found to be consistent with fixed-order-plus-next-to-leading-log perturbative-QCD calculations within experimental and theoretical uncertainties. These new measurements in p+p collisions provide a precision baseline for comparable forthcoming measurements in A+A collisions.
著作権等: Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP³.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/244329
DOI(出版社版): 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.092003


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