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タイトル: Case analysis of sediment bypass tunnels (Switzerland, Taiwan, Japan)
著者: Ohori, Hideaki
Ono, Masato
Takata, Yasufumi
Nagatani, Gen
Sumi, Tetsuya
キーワード: sediment bypass tunnel
design discharge
target grain size of sedimentation
発行日: 2017
出版者: Kyoto University
誌名: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Sediment Bypass Tunnels
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 10
論文番号: FP2
抄録: This research collected and analyzed the specifications of 15 sediment bypass tunnels in order to assist in the systematizing of planning and design methods for sediment bypass tunnels. First we classified the sediment bypass tunnels by the purpose of the dam and the main purpose of the sediment bypass tunnel, and then we analyzed each for design discharge, tunnel structure, and target grain size of sedimentation. We found that the approach to setting of the design discharge changed according to the classification of the sediment bypass tunnels and that the efficiency of the design discharge may be impacted by regional characteristics. Based on the analysis results for factors such as tunnel structure and target grain size of sedimentation, we have listed points to consider in the planning and design of sediment bypass tunnels in the future.
記述: [2nd International Workshop on Sediment Bypass Tunnels = 第2回排砂バイパストンネルに関する国際ワークショップ] May 9-12, Kyoto-Japan, 2017.
特定研究集会: 29C-01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/245486
関連リンク: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/235820


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