


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 21.
  池内, 宏 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 246-251
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<叢説>輓近に於ける東洋史學の進歩 (下)
  羽田, 亨 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 252-262
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<雜纂>畫人傳説の解釋 : 光琳と破笠
  福井, 利吉郞 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 271-283
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<雜纂>考古學の栞 (第二回)
  濱田, 耕作 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 262-271
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  大西, 源一 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 306-313
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<雜纂>君府の思ひ出 (第二回)
  坂口, 昂 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 299-306
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<雜纂>支那歷遊記略 (下)
  松本, 文三郞 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 283-299
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<雜纂>武者修業に就て (中)
  下川, 潮 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 313-322
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<紹介>C. W.Previte' Orton : Outlines Medieval History. (Cambridge : at the University press, 1916) , James Harvey Robinson : the Middle Period of Europcan History. (From the Break-up oi the Roman Empire to the Opening of the Eigh-teenth Century) Ginn and Company, Boston., Alexander Korniliv : Modern Russian History. translated by Alexander S. Kaun. 2. Vols. (Alfred A. Knopf New Jork, 1916, 17) , J. A. K. Marriot, the Eeastern Question, an Historycal Study in European Liplomacy. (Oxford, 1917)
  植村 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 325-327
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<紹介>日本歴史圖録 第四、五、六、七輯, 唐馬總撰 通歴七卷, 宋孫光憲撰 續通歴五卷, 今人呉廷燮撰 唐方鎮年表考證二卷, 呉廷燮撰 北宋經撫年表二卷, 淸王頌蔚編 明史考證攟逸四十二卷
  有高 (1918-04-01)
  史林, 3(2): 323-325
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