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タイトル: <論説>承久の乱の歴史的評価
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Significance of Jokyu-no-Ran (Civil War of 1221 承久)
著者: 上横手, 雅敬  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Uwayokote, Masataka
発行日: 1-Jan-1956
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 39
号: 1
開始ページ: 24
終了ページ: 44
抄録: 中世史上重要事件の一つである承久の乱については、従来殆ど研究がなされていない。また鎌倉政権の確立、院政終末の時点であるこの乱の研究に、手掛を与えるべき鎌倉政権、院政についても、いくつかのすぐれた研究が生れ乍ら、具体的な政治過程の考察には及ばなかった。ここでは院政の成立より説き起し、その基盤を再検討し、更にその推移を通じて中世における院政勢力の強い残存を評価し、にも拘らずその敗北した原因を考える。最後に院政期及び承久の乱の中で生起する諸勢力において乱のもった意味を、とくに乱後の幕府の政策との開運において明かにし、この乱を中世政治史の過程で、どう位置付けるべきかの試論を提示したい。
In the study of Jokyu-no-Ran, the Kamakura (鎌倉) Government and the Insei (the rule by ex-emperors, 院政) must not be disregarded. In this connection, however, not only the theoretical discussions but also the in vestigation of the historical process are necessary. The Insei was dependent on both Kokuga (governmental lands 國衙) and Shoen (manors 庄園). In this dual connection, as for Kinai (畿内) district, the landlords were for the Insei, while the great temples and nobility of manors were against it. The establishents of the Rokuhara (六波羅) and Kamakura Governments were not fatally effective on the Insei. However, with them, the economic foundation for the former governing class (nobility) was endangered. Thus the competition among the noble class was promoted. The urgent need of re-unification of former authorities could not overcome the inner struggle of the class. It is imposible to unificate the nolility as one united power at Jokyu-no-Ran. The economic foundation of the Insei may have been stronger than that of the Kamaknra government. But the noble class, which suffered from inner conflicts, could not exalt the economic supremacy to a political one. Naturally enough the nobility was beaten. Around the period of Jokyu-no-Ran, the structure of manors and. the situation of Jitohiho (illegal resistence by sheriffs, 地頭非法) seems not to have changed remarkable. Thus the incident cannot be explained as the accumalation of social evils. The results of Jokyu-no-Ran are as the following. a) For Jito (Sheriff 地頭) and Gokenin (御家人): a series of regulations preventing them from behaving against manor were issued by the Kamakura government. b) For the temples, and the noble class: above all the acutual disappearacnce is remarkable. However, after all the government had to compromise with the power of the temples. c) For the landlords in Kinai; which was formerly supporter of the In (院), has come to cease its development under the oppression of both power of the temples still existant and the invasion of Jito In short, after that, the concentrated domination of the Kamakura Government was established, preserving the former authorities as far as they were not dangerous and preventing the growth of the landlords.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_39_24
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/249227


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