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Title: <研究動向・研究レビュー>南アジアにおけるイブン・アラビー学派に関する先行研究レビュー --アシュラフ・アリー・ターナヴィーに関する研究動向と今後の課題--
Other Titles: <Research Review and Research Trend>A Survey of Previous Studies on Ashraf 'Alī Thānavī and Subjects for Future Research
Authors: 本間, 流星  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: HOMMA, Ryusei
Issue Date: 24-Mar-2020
Publisher: 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科附属イスラーム地域研究センター
Journal title: イスラーム世界研究
Volume: 13
Start page: 182
End page: 210
Abstract: This paper aims to examine previous studies on Ashraf 'Alī Thānavī (d. 1362/1943), a prominent Sufi scholar in India in the 19th and 20th centuries, and present the author's subjects for future research. Thānavī played a crucial role in the Islamic revival movement in late 19th century India, leaving over 600 works (mostly in Urdu) about Tafsīr, Fiqh, Kalām, and Tasawwuf, among others. Because of the historical importance of the movement and his activities, extensive reseaarch has been conducted on his Islamic revival thought. However, Thānavī was deeply influenced by the mystical thought of Ibn 'Arabī (d. 638/1240), who was a great Sufi mystic in Islamic history and wrote Urdu books about Ibn 'Arabī, wahda al-wujūd (the Unity of Existence) and Sufism in general. Therefore, Thānavī could be regarded as one of the most important thinkers of the school of Ibn 'Arabī in South Asia. Nevertheless, studies on his mystical thought are very few. In order to elucidate Thānavī's interpretation of wahda al-wujūd and standpoint on Ibn 'Arabī, one should analyze his two important books, K̲ h̲ usūs al-Kalim fī Hall-i Fusūs al-Hikam (Special Word for Dissolving the Ringstones of Wisdom), an Urdu commentary on Ibn 'Arabī's Fusūs al-Hikam, and al-Tanbīh al-T̤ arabī fī Tanzīh Ibn 'Arabī (The Delightful Caveat in the Elevation of Ibn 'Arabī), a book written in defense on Ibn 'Arabī. By focusing on Thānavī's understanding of Sufism and wahda al-wujūd, one could reveal his position in the school of Ibn 'Arabī in South Asia.
Rights: ©京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科附属イスラーム地域研究センター 2020
DOI: 10.14989/250334
Appears in Collections:Vol.13

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