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タイトル: On the solvability of some inhomogeneous incompressible flow with free interface (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)
著者: Saito, Hirokazu
Shibata, Yoshihiro
Zhang, Xin
著者名の別形: 齋藤, 平和
柴田, 良弘
発行日: Apr-2019
出版者: 京都大学数理解析研究所
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録
巻: 2107
開始ページ: 69
終了ページ: 81
抄録: In this note, we review some recent results in [4] on the solvability of some free boundary problem of the two phase inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In [4], we addressed some general approach to construct short time solutions in L_{p}-L_{q} maximal regularity class where q>N and p belongs to ] 2, infty[cup{overline{p}in] 1, 2[:1/overline{p}+N/q>3/2}. In particular, to handle the less regular initial data for 1<p<2, some new estimates are derived. Moreover, for the case of piecewise constant density, some long time solutions in the moving bounded droplet are establish within L_{p}-L_{q} maximal regularity. Furthermore, we can find some global solutions in the fixed bounded pool by applying the idea in [4] here.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/251906
出現コレクション:2107 流体と気体の数学解析


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