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タイトル: <論説>近代日本における民間団体の朝鮮教育事業と支援基盤 --京城学堂の設立と運営--
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Foundation of Support for the Private Korean Education Project in Modern Japan, Focusing on the Foundation and Management of Keijō Gakudō
著者: 鄭, 賢珠  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: JUNG, Hyunju
キーワード: 京城学堂
Keijō Gakudō
Dainippon Kaigai Kyōikukai (The Great Japan Overseas Education Association)
Japanese School
The Korean Education Project
Activities of Japanese in Korea
発行日: 31-May-2020
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 103
号: 3
開始ページ: 361
終了ページ: 394
抄録: 京城学堂は一八九六年四月大日本海外教育会によって朝鮮人子弟に日本語や朝鮮語で普通学を教えるため漢城に開設され、一〇余年間運営された「日語学校」であった。従来、政財界人の支援や東亜同文会の影響による成功事例として評価されてきた。本稿では資金調達過程など運営実態を究明し、看過されてきた小島今朝次郎ら現地運営陣の活動および居留官民・日本国内の支援動向を考察した。その結果、本部の脆弱さ、堂長や駐韓公使の活躍、出資に対する外務省の消極的な姿勢、教育体制および運営陣の認識変化、韓国政府への献納経緯が明らかになった。学堂の役割は日本の勢力維持・韓国人の懐柔・日本文化移植から植民や韓国経営へ移り、確実に韓国の植民地化を志向した。しかし民間団体による海外教育事業に対する社会的な支援基盤を築くことは困難で、日本政府の支援方針が確立されないなど、当時日本の帝国主義の多面性がみられる。
Keijō Gakudō was founded in April 1896 in Kanjō (Seoul) bythe Dainippon Kaigai Kyōikukai (The Great Japan Overseas Education Association). Its aim was to provide general education to Koreans in both the Japanese and Korean language. This "Japanese school, " which lasted for more than 10 years, has been regarded as a successful case due to the support of politicians and businesspeople and the influence of the Tōa Dōbunkai (East Asian Shared Culture Association). This paper investigates the founding and management of the school, examining the previouslyoverlooked activities of Kojima Kesajirō and local managers, as well as the support of the Japanese in Korea, and in Japan. The studyhas revealed: 1) the weaknesses of the headquarters, 2) activities of the administrators and Japanese officials in Korea, 3) the reluctance of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs to provide financial support, 4) changes in educational policyand attitudes of the managers, and 5) the process of the transfer to the Korea government. The school's role changed from maintaining Japanese power, placating Koreans, and transplanting Japanese culture, to colonization and management of the Korea economy, confirming Korea's status as a colony of Japan. However, it was difficult to establish a base of social support for overseas educational projects byprivate organizations, and the Japanese government had not established firm policies. Thus, Japan's imperialism was multifaceted at the time.
著作権等: ©史学研究会
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_103_3_361
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/254093


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