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タイトル: <論文>イルハン朝におけるペルシア語文書行政とインシャー術の伝統 : 14世紀の書簡術指南書『ジャラールのための贈物』の成立背景とその文書用例の分析
その他のタイトル: <Article>Persian Traditional Art of Letter-writing (inshā') under the Rule of the Mongol Chancellery in Ilkhanid Iran : Analysis of Sample Decrees in Tuḥfa-yi Jalālīya, an Inshā' Manual from the Early 14th Century
著者: 渡部, 良子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Watabe, Ryoko
キーワード: モンゴル帝国
The Mongol Empire
The Ilkhanate
Chancellery system
Persian art of inshāʾ
Persian documents
発行日: 30-Sep-2017
出版者: 西南アジア研究会
誌名: 西南アジア研究
巻: 87
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 22
抄録: This paper discusses the situation for Persian traditional art of letter-writing (inshā') under the Ilkhanate, the Mongol dynasty of Iran (1258-1335), through the examination of sample decrees in Tuhfa-yi Jalālīya, an influencial Persian inshā' manual from the early fourteenth century. Extant Mongolian and Persian documents of the Ilkhanid period suggest that Ilkhans obeyed the hierarchical order of the Mongol Empire in which the Great Qa'ans' ǰarlirs (order) were distinguished from other princes' letters, üges (word). In the same time, in their dominion of Iran, Ilkhans' orders (yarlīgh) were given special authority over the other administrative letters (söz "word") of Mongol amīrs and Iranian wazīrs, and were essentially drafted in Mongolian language, meanwhile the latter were issued in Persian. In drafting the Persian versions of Ilkhans' yarlīghs the rules and artistic styles of inshā' were often ignored and the traditional art of inshā' seems to have lost its significance as the art for drafting the royal decrees. In the other hand, there are cases when Persian orders were drafted in company with Ilkhans' yarlīghs concerned with civil affairs of Iranian society and those orders could be composed in the traditional style of inshā'. In the sample decrees in Jalālīya, we can observe the continuity of traditional styles of Persian royal decree and the changes brought by the Mongol chancellery practices. One of the important elements introduced in the structure of Persian documents under the influence of Mongolian decrees, the beginning formula of addressing to the public addressees, "[addressees] should know (bi-dānand)", wasn't adopted in the sample decrees with the traditional structure containing a particular clause of the same function. In the other hand, the formula of dispositio informing the rank of the decree (yarlīgh or other letters) and the use of Turkic-Mongolian terms of special importance show that in the Ilkhanid chancellery the Persian art of inshā' adopted the various styles of Mongolian decrees. We can understand that these changes which occurred in the art of inshā' during the Ilkhanid period were succeeded to the styles of Dastūr al-Kātib, the famous inshā' manual compiled for the Jalayrids, the successor dynasty of the Ilkhanate, under whom Persian language regained its status as the official language for drafting royal decrees.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2021-06-30に公開
DOI: 10.14989/seinan-asia-kenkyu_87_1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/260523


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