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タイトル: | Analytical end-to-end PER performance of multi-hop cooperative relaying and its experimental verification |
著者: | MURATA, Hidekazu ![]() ![]() MIYAGOSHI, Makoto OISHI, Yuji |
著者名の別形: | 村田, 英一 |
キーワード: | cooperative relaying space-time coding multi-hop relaying transmission experiment |
発行日: | 1-Mar-2017 |
出版者: | Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE) |
誌名: | IEICE Transactions on Communications |
巻: | E100.B |
号: | 3 |
開始ページ: | 449 |
終了ページ: | 455 |
抄録: | The end-to-end packet error rate (PER) performance of a multi-hop cooperative relaying system is discussed in this paper. In this system, the end-to-end PER performance improves with the number of hops under certain conditions. The PER performance of multi-hop cooperative networks is analyzed with the state transition technique. The theoretical analysis reveals that the PER performance can be kept almost constant, or even improved, as the number of hops is increased. Computer simulation results agree closely with the analysis results. Moreover, to confirm this performance characteristic in an actual setup, an in-lab experiment using a fading emulator was conducted. The experimental results confirm the theoretical end-to-end PER performance of this system. |
著作権等: | © 2017 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 許諾条件に基づいて掲載しています。 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/2433/260587 |
DOI(出版社版): | 10.1587/transcom.2016EBP3132 |
出現コレクション: | 学術雑誌掲載論文等 |
